
Schutz for Cyberangriffen and Datenlecks

Schutz for Cyberangriffen and Datenlecks

From IT infrastructure to Assets and Employees
Datensicherheit is geschäftskritisch

A guest post by Ralf Reich

4 min reading time

Providers of the subject

Data security is determined by the most important strategic Anliegen of Unternehmen, the Cyberangriffe can do big financial business and a renowned Schaden verursachen. It is one of the separated companies, which provide holistic holistic data and use the IT infrastructure to manage the computer and think of the physical assets.

Obwohl Datensicherheit für Entscheider höchste Priorität hat, weisen vale Organizations immer nor a great Lücke in their Security Strategy auf.(Bild: Westlight -
Obwohl Datensicherheit für Entscheider höchste Priorität hat, weisen vale Organizations immer nor a great success in its Security Strategy.

(Image: Westlight –

If the great “cryptocurrency bank” Ronin offers a Cyber ​​Angriffs war in April 2022The enormous size of the Auswirkungen was: 540 million US dollars, which were stohlen by Hackern, the bank would have to earn its money for the monetary losses lost. Gleichzeitig galt es, das Vertrauen des Marktes in die erschütterte Organization wiederherzustellen. There are more major problems at companies with Uber, Microsoft or Toyota, which will get a more robust security forkehrungen bigger bet. A German Erinnerung für Führungskräfte, wie verwundbar Organizations sein können.

Datensicherheit is geschäftskritisch

Information and data security are so elementary that this is not the case. The past is a strict data protection with high fines, a person can suffer financial losses and damage in the point of data security. In Germany, during the cybercrime, the losses in the year 2023 were converted to an amount of 206 billion euros. Look at the data from a reputable business criterion: the data protection organization (DSGVO) gives all EU citizenship rights the authority to involve individuals in the organization of their stored affairs, where they have stored these stored affairs and a good third party that has stored these other data. At the same time, data protection injuries must be reported within 72 hours and are therefore extremely sensitive.

If you look at data security for the higher priority of the organization, organizations can still make a great success in their security strategy. This art and ease that is shared with their physical and digital data across IT resources can be used. The best cybersecurity system can work when hardware and devices do not modernize, they are integrated, devices and all forms of data protection are used. Here is a gold-plated solution, a potential shield for closing.

The IT infrastructure continues with the Grundlage

If you go through the new procedure in the hybrid Arbeitens, that is an unacceptable attack on your protection. Required systems, the link independently of place and time, but at the same time no trap for cybercriminelle beet. A system that deals with expanding the data and restoring long and long recovery, is restored. For the remote link, an automatic authentication of a targeted check is possible.

If you are no longer bothered by all the problems, you can use a modern IT infrastructure for business operations, the end and management of the problems or that can lead to full access. If you impose a response plan according to a problem, a cybercriminal will be identified quickly, you will have a problem.

Keine Securitystrategie ohne die Mitarbeitenden

There are technically no security foreclosures that play a separate role for the IT security of Unternehmen on the human factor. As soon as this is the distance to the larger role, the dates will now no longer be taken over by a standard birthday. Here the measures must be taken, while the guidelines and the implementation are carried out, if the part of the Sicherheitskonzepts is continued.

It starts with the provision of information: all descriptions of the external devices must contain a clearly written guideline here, the use of laptops, handy devices and other devices are simple. Remote-mitarbeitende sollten detailed information on the purchase of personal laptops or telephones. If the data and sublayers of the company’s own devices and systems are regulated more clearly, the copying of digital data on personal devices or the use of personal USB sticks with special information. Debts to cybersecurity become more susceptible to phishing and malware attacks.

Zu guter Letzt: Asset Lifecycle Management

Often this was the case: a major redevelopment for companies ordered, which in his organization used devices in the augment to maintain. A risk of cyberattacks and its minimization is unparalleled, so you can virtually have your physical resources at your disposal – without other or other – under control of your life.

This means that the organizations and a file register should be kept in mind, that is, the management, the environment and the protection of the environment. It must be ensured that security measures function. Physische Ressourcen sollten passwortgeschützt sein and eenine Richtlinie zur zur zurzwungen Passwortänderung enthalten. A professional Asset Lifecycle Management (ALM) is offered on the basis of data in the End-of-Life Stadium in the federal institutions with local dating protection best immungen that are nicht or are erneuten used in another network.

The Entsorgung von IT-Assets (ITAD) has followed a clearly defined protocol, which is a trustworthy start-up schedule, merging data and disassembly into components of re-use or for recycling or other cases a full-fledged physical destruction. Because it is one of the few results, the loss of data is therefore a fact as the loss of data or the new formation of a laurel work, guaranteed methods for truth-absolutely not the full loss of data. A special data cleaning software must be used. If there is an erderlicht, the physical ability must be such that it is no longer possible to do that.

With the aim of improving IT security strategy

Cyber-Security and the Management of Data is the largest part of the main component of the Vorstandsetagen. The appropriate strategy for IT and data security orientation is a way to determine the situation of an organization. A major concern can be that one of the IT infrastructure legend organizations of the Grundstein, on the basis of the business activities can be deployed and a training will be developed. This is an essential profession in the field of Asset Lifecycle Management, a certainty that is as good as possible.

About the author: Ralf Reich is responsible as Commercial Vice President Northern Europe das Geschäft von Iron Mountain in DACH-Raum, Nordics and Poland. There is already 30 years of experience in the IT industry. His career started at IBM and Hewlett-Packard in the development of IT services and strategic outsourcing. He has since changed to Wipro and Softserve.
