
ChatGPT in Einkauf Seminar online | LOGISTIK HEUTE

ChatGPT in Einkauf Seminar online | LOGISTIK HEUTE

ChatGPT upon purchase
Praxis-oriented use of AI-enabled chatbots

Seminar soul
End of 2022 with ChatGPT and the content took the topic of “Artistic Intelligence” to a new level. The chatbot can answer beautiful fragments, long text messages, data analyses, ideas and certainly not more. If the fragment is like that, you may be in a few things. Can ChatGPT be displayed on the question of an eingetzt? If you want to ask a question about how to work with ChatGPT for eight hours?

In the online seminar you can answer these fragments and the email from ChatGPT in a live view. If we continue with the content: If a Vorlage is referred to “Prompten”, the communication with ChatGPT is very well viewed.

Soul group
Einkaufsleitung/CPO, strategic Einkauf, Digitaliseringsverantwortliche im Einkauf

Seminar stop:

  • Background information about ChatGPT
  • ChatGPT Features
  • Einsatz von ChatGPT in Einkauf
    – Response to questions
    – Erstellen von Lieferantenanschreiben
    – Testing Delays
    – Unterstützen at Entscheidungen
    – Vorbereitung von Verhandlung (incl. Vorlage)
    – Unterstützen at Warengruppenstrategies, etc.
  • Tips for Prompting and Engineering
  • Risks of searching for ChatGPT – Do’s and Don’ts
  • Create your own playgrounds
  • Useful software solutions based on ChatGPT technology

[email protected]
Phone: +49 (0)6196 5828-253
Fax: +49 (0)6196 5828-299

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