
Vorzeigeprojekt der Wohnraumförderung – epa

Vorzeigeprojekt der Wohnraumförderung – epa

Inclusion during Ambulant Betreutes Wohnen mit Hintergrunddienst – In fußläufiger Nähe zur Innenstadt bietet die Lebenshilfe HPZ 24 Appartements für Menschen mit Beinträchtigung

The housing project for people with management finds the State Secretary of Daniel Sieveke (4.vr) as he continues with gelungen and says outside the official part as very interested in the Work of Lebenshilfe HPZ for people with management. Image: Tameer Gunnar Eden/Eifeler Presse Agentur/epa
The housing project for people with management finds the State Secretary of Daniel Sieveke (4.vr) as he continues with gelungen and says outside the official part as very interested in the Work of Lebenshilfe HPZ for people with management. Image: Tameer Gunnar Eden/Eifeler Presse Agentur/epa

Schleiden-Gemünd – Hoher Besuch im Vorzeigeprojekt: Das Haus der Lebenshilfe HPZ für Betreutes Wohnen mit Hintergrunddienst in Gemünd war jetzt Station der „WohneNRW-Tage“. State Secretary Daniel Sieveke has defiled the house with 24 apartments for people with different backgrounds. Die Geschäftsführer der Lebenshilfe HPZ, Christian Pfaff and Philipp Krosch, formed by local Prominenz with Achim Blindert, Allgemeiner Vertreter Kreis Euskirchen, Ingo Pfennings, Bürgermeister Schleden, Oliver Knuth, Geschäftsführer der Euskirchener Baugesellschaft EUGEBAU, as well as Oliver Niermann vom Verband der Wohnungs-en Immobilienwirtschaft Rhineland Westphalia (VdW). It was all a war for another gelungenes project.

We will tell you which parties are being united, according to the State Secretariat: “If you said here about the project, everything was right!” People with special support requirements could be located, located near the Puls des Ortes, in a well-organized home so self-contained as to be able to live. And if you live in a building, there is no barrier-free single apartment with terrace or balcony, a community room and a protected garden, including climatic and environmental importance, during housing as a hochbau with holz and modern Heiztechnik-beückigt.

Who builds the most attractive housing is a very innovative project that a number of concrete state secretaries Daniel Sieveke has come up with at the Lebenshilfe-HPZ houses for housing construction in Gemünd. Image: Tameer Gunnar Eden/Eifeler Presse Agentur/epa
Who builds the most attractive housing is a very innovative project that a number of concrete state secretaries Daniel Sieveke has come up with at the Lebenshilfe-HPZ houses for housing construction in Gemünd. Photo: Tameer Gunnar Eden/Eifeler Presse Agentur/epa

I thanked Daniel Sieveke for his involvement in the EUGEBAU for the new organization with the Flutkatastrofe, the Stadt Schleiden and the Kreis Euskirchen as planning and healing authorities, but also the Lebenshilfe HPZ, which is for his next client: “All people are perhaps not so good.” People with the backside, who spoil the woman after the own four hiking tours, in practice of a changeover at the next spoil their unsupported, are a tolle Sache.

Achim Blindert: „Those people who live here find a home and enjoy their peace and quiet.“ With the help of their own homes, shared living skills, 24 hours of work since the living expenses HPZ vor Ort. Damit became auch der Wunsch and also the gesetzliche Vorgabe zur Teilhabe von Menschen with Behinderung umgesetzt. Davon is a Tobias supervisor. There is a problem in the house, together with a Fachkraft from Lebenshilfe HPZ, the next new situation will be reached and it is clear, if a new Wohnsituation message is displayed.

For self-pollination of people with an underlying setzt sich Christian Pfaff, Geschäftsführer Lebenshilfe HPZ, among others through Wohnprojekte ein. Image: Tameer Gunnar Eden/Eifeler Presse Agentur/epa
For self-pollination of people with an underlying setzt sich Christian Pfaff, Geschäftsführer Lebenshilfe HPZ, among others through Wohnprojekte ein. Image: Tameer Gunnar Eden/Eifeler Presse Agentur/epa

Ebenso glücklich über das Projekt in Schleidingen, aber sehr besorgt um de Zukunft des Sozialen Wohnungsbaus, is Oliver Knuth: “The Ifo-Institut is going to be, since 2026, since no more 175,000 Wohnungen in Deutschland have been created new.” Gerade für Menschen, die zich aufgrund ihrer Geschicht, Schicksalsschläge, wirtschaftlicher Lage or Beinträchtigung and schon under Herausforderungen should be set, this means a very bad Nachricht. Because the Alliance for more Housing Construction North Rhine-Westphalia, in its Housing Construction Associations, Communities, Private Investors, Cities and Municipalities, Associations of the Construction Industry, the Chamber of Architects NRW, the Mieterverein and the NRW.BANK companies, have disappeared. What matters is that Oliver Niermann from the VdW enters into cooperation with social partners when it comes to livelihood.

Bürgermeister Pfennings reported: “We had obtained some fragments in the Bauphase, which men remembered the tollen eigentumswohnungen. I would like people to be able to manage the company and manage their living quarters, that is one of the things you can do, and in the integrated nachbarschaft.’ Lebenshilfe-Geschäftsführer Christian Pfaff: “Wir haben here für die Bewohner etwas geschaffen, was zukünftig alternative ist.” Früher has nur Wohnheime and beautiful bedreutes Wohnen. The project is tied to the connection, most people with woolen attention and by the Bundesteil -Hagesetz gestützt wird: Individual, self-confident residents can live in a longer atmosphere.

Grote Freude über gelungenes Wohnprojekt: Ingo Pfennings, Bürgermeister Schleden, Bewohner Tobias, Philipp Krosch, Geschäftsführer Lebenshilfe HPZ, Christian Pfaff, Geschäftsführer Lebenshilfe HPZ, Staatssekretär Daniel Sieveke und Achim Blindert, Allgemeiner Vertreter Kreis Euskirchen. Image: Tameer Gunnar Eden/Eifeler Presse Agentur/epa
Grote Freude über gelungenes Wohnprojekt: Ingo Pfennings, Bürgermeister Schleden, Bewohner Tobias, Philipp Krosch, Geschäftsführer Lebenshilfe HPZ, Christian Pfaff, Geschäftsführer Lebenshilfe HPZ, Staatssekretär Daniel Sieveke und Achim Blindert, Allgemeiner Vertreter Kreis Euskirchen. Image: Tameer Gunnar Eden/Eifeler Presse Agentur/epa

The bets on 24 days on the Tag, 365 days over time are enormous and an everyday problem set auch the Lebenshilfe HPZ for Herausforderungen: der Fachkräftemangel, so Pfaff: „Wir benötigen mainzaak Personal, das die Arbeit leistet. It is a cleaner job, in the environment with people working.”

The “WOHNENRW-Tage” in North Rhine-Westphalia is a federal project of the “Allianz für more Wohnungsbau Nordrhein-Westfalen”, with the Soul, the legacy of open living for a better environment.

The Lebenshilfe HPZ with Hauptsitz in Zülpich and various Betreuungs-, Beratungs- and Therapy-Angeboten and 18 Standorten in Kreis Euskirchen, Kreis Düren and the Rhein-Erft-Kreis have 50 years of experience in the Eingliederungshilfe. More information and maps on the Internet:

Eifel Press Agency/epa