
Zuckerersatz Erythrit könnte das Thrombose-Risiko erhöhen

Zuckerersatz Erythrit könnte das Thrombose-Risiko erhöhen

Zucker suffered enormous damage to his health. See the alternatives to Erythrit. But Forscher now warned against the Ersatzstoff.

If Zucker saves, you may not be able to see anymore, but there are many people who have Zuckeraustauschstoffe. If it is good, it is better to rely on the Kalorien von normale Haushaltszucker. Erythrit has the confidence in the Zucker alternatives and is highly used by the lifestyle industry, a Zucker and Kaloriengehalt of products that are reduced.

Now is a study by the Berlin charity and the Cleveland Clinic in the US that is very interested in the erythritic risks for thrombosis and infarctions. The study was published in the specialist journal “Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology”.

Erythrit, such as Erythritol or E 968, is a fine substance that was used and used in the 1990s. It is a matter of a kind of diabetes. There is 70 percent of sugar from sugar, but contains very few calories. The US-US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) investigation into Erythrit as a problem, may yield a greater risk a few years later.

In the active research, the researches of Erythrit in a small group have been brought to the attention. If you analyze the blood plasma, there is an active thrombozymatic activity. Add a group 30 Grams Erythrit and the other Teilnehmer take 30 Grams to Zucker zu sich. 30 Grams Erythrit is approved by the FDA, the person in the US who likes the Tag so much. After 30 minutes, the plasma process of the tires no longer takes, a thrombozymatic activity is the best.

It is bad: at the teilnehmern, the Erythrit konsumiert hatten, war dessentration im Blut über more mehrere Tage grime erhöht, and the Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass die Blutplättchen verklumpen, stieg deutlich an. Because the erythritol level is “Deutsch over the Schwellenwerten”, there is a high thrombotic potential effect, because study engineer Dr. Marco Witkowski, Facharzt at the Clinic for Cardiology, Angiology and Intensive Medicine of the German Charity Center.

Woman is happy with WadeEnlargement of the images
Thrombosis in the living room: You can enjoy fresh water, energy and warmth. (Quelle: megaflopp/getty-images-bilder)

There is a high degree of blutplättchen, which you mess up, is a great general risk. Then you can remove the Blutgerinnsel (Thromben) and insert them. If you have a blutgefäß-hidden, you can be affected by complications with a (Beinvenen-)Thrombose, a Schlaganfall or Herzinfarkt, a Lungenembolism or other Komplikationen führen.

Dr. Stanley Hazen, a researcher and expert in the field of the Herz-Kreislauf-Medizin and the Cleveland Clinic, said that he has developed products with Zucker that provide statistical solutions, which are used with Zucker alcohols. Warnings under the Voraussetzung, it is now located and in general it is done well.

The new study began in collaboration between teams from charities and the Cleveland Clinic. I show several years of research in a study, in the blood plasma probes of more than 4,000 parts dissected. The study explains a number of studies that show the erythritol level and a high rate of Herzinfarkten and Schlaganfallen nahe.

Before the authorities celebrate: they can appeal to a discussion with the aforementioned rights, whereby Erythrit is “assured” to be accepted as a food substance.

Der Kardiologe und Vorstandsvorsitzende der Deutschen Herzstiftung, Prof. Dr. Thomas Voigtländer, erklärt: “Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen, especially for vulnerable persons who have to work hard for their lives, which could contribute to health risks.” If vulnerable people Dr. Haren hear for all people with mental illness, diabetes or metabolic syndrome, there is a high risk of thrombosis.

If there is a thrombosis lead, it can be treated very well. However, the Gefahr der Erkrankung is not so easy to recognize. A thrombosis risk test can be performed.

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If we see that erythrit is the first stage blood innung, the study team cannot identify. Hazen said that it was with the “Rezeptotoren on the upper surface a blood plate that you can have, that interact with the Erythrit.” A single interaction can stimulate the art and ease of the treatise, while the signal signals are displayed, as they digest sollen.

Wissenschaftler, who did not start the study, bewerteten de Ergebnisse alldings mit Zurückhaltung. “This study has not produced the long-lasting exposition of Erythrit in the Nahrung”, and the ernährungswissenschaftler Duane Mellor in “Scientific American”.

The data that are used as the last few years are used, Erythritol that is on other sugar substances in a long period of time, it will take a while before Alice Lichtenstein gets into “Scientific American”. This is the leader of the teams for cardiovascular research at the Jean Mayer Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University. The scientists follow up on her many questions at the moment.