
WAHL-BLOG/Wagenknecht will flow into Koalitionsgespräche nehmen

WAHL-BLOG/Wagenknecht will flow into Koalitionsgespräche nehmen

DJ WAHL-BLOG/Wagenknecht will join Koalitionsgespräche nehmen

The overview in Kurzmeldungen zu Einschätzungen around the Landtagswahlen in Saxony and Thuringia:

Wagenknecht will take a stream on the Koalitionsgespräche

After the strong abolition of the BSW, Sahra Wagenknecht is proud of the more vigorous coalition options in the Bundnis in the Verzutwortung, in Thuringia and Saxony to govern. “We are ready, a good government with on the way to takeen. That is also our responsibility”, said the sender in the broadcast of “RTL Direkt”. In the transactions in Erfurt and Dresden, Wagenknecht himself could become his own business. “Whoever wants to coalesce with BSW, must also speak with me. (…) If it is a big line and dares, the Verzutung will get a new direction in Saxony and first right in Thuringia, the chance is great that he will speak with the possible Prime Ministers.” A coalition with the AfD castle Wagenknecht has emerged.

Lieberknecht plädiert für Gespräche auch mit der Linken

The Minister-President Christine Lieberknecht (CDU), who comes from Thuringia, has a government bill for the good order of the Left for the representation of the parties with all parties in addition to the AfD plädiert. “Die Thüringer Verfassungslage ist indeutig: Es muss regiert zijn”, says the Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland. “Eine Zusammenarbeit with the same sichert right-wing extrem others geltenden AfD has closed all parties. Damit lies the Regierungsauftrag clearly at the CDU.” If all goes well: first the land, then the party. The CDU was led through the war with all factions of the AfD. “Auch with the Links muss spoken. Schon allein für eine Duldung fuhrt an der Linken kein Weg vorbei,” he said. “Das ist Mathematik – nichts alles.”

VDMA: Landesregulations müssen für Mittelstand good Standortbedingungen purchase

The East German Maschinen- und Anlagenbauer Landesverband is looking for the Landtagswahlen in Saxony and Thuringia, a constructive Government, which is committed to the standortpolitische Vorhaben and a well-to-offen Politik. “Both Bundesländer are in the last years for future reforms,” ​​said the President of the VDMA-Landesverbands Ost, Alexander Jakschik. Gerade de mittelständisch geprägten Unternehmen des Maschinen- und Anlagenbaus seien in ihrer Region verwurzelt. Look at the strong export orientation and sales of your products in the global world. “These wolf cases are only a few years old. It is a benevolent and oriented policy, the investors, the business community and the Arbeitskräfte have changed and never been rejected,” he said.

Mittelstand fordert entschlossenes Handeln der Mitte

The Mittelstand is concerned with the Ergebnisse Wahlen in Saxony and Thuringia. The Deutsche Mittelstands-Bund (DMB) warned of negative negative consequences for political and economic stability and of promoting open trade for free democratic power, a position of power in the world, one of those things you definitely want to do. “The Wahlausgang marks a progressive political walk, the new Unsicherheiten für Politik and Unternehmen with itself brought and the Economic Standorte Thuringia and Saxony will continue to be damaged,” says Marc Tenbieg, geschäftsführender Vorstand des DMB. Confession of AfD and BSW zum Mittelstand seien Maskierungstaktik. “I have a clear political concept based on the principles of the social market economy and the interests of the community,” he said.

Esken: Streit in der Ampel muss aufhören – Scholz starker Kanzlercandidate

Saskia Esken, a party member of the SPD, has appealed after the national defense and the coalition partner of the SPD to the fact that the tension and the statistics are a strange thing. Otherwise the SPD would leave the Greens and the FDP after a number of family members. “That has to be heard. That has to be understood by the colleagues and colleges too. What happened in our series was rarely spoken”, said Esken. If all goes well, Olaf Scholz (SPD) has become a stronger federal candidate under his “stronger chancellor candidate”. “In the past Bundestag, we have blown the wind in the last months. And that is also our fault”, according to Esken. The SPD became a good economy and a good company in the political center. “If you take good care of it, because the economic environment is fast, it will continue to grow well. We are happy with the basics, so we will continue to have a good business relationship.”

AfD-Vorsitzende Weidel pushes for Rücktritt der Ampel-Regierung

The AfD-representative Alice Weidel has sought out the “dramatic” slashes of Ampel in the Landtag selections in Thuringia and Saxony by the coalition in the Bund zum Rücktritt. “The selectors want to reselect”, he said. SPD, Grüne and FDP have “packed their suitcases and the stühle räumen”. The selectors want a different direction and a different politics. Please note that your part of the Landtag may have a government mandate. If you are aware of the fact that this is not the case, ignore it. This würde democratic sector is more interested in the interests and these selectors are not close to ignoring. “Fire walls are undemokratic”, this says. The AfD was the strongest in Thuringia and the strongest Kraft in Saxony.

Söder fordert Scholz zum Rücktritt auf

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) has ended the Ampel coalition in the Bund in Saxony and Thuringia. “The Ampel is not lost, the Ampel is a roaring ruin”, says Söder about political Gillamoos. “The great service of the countries where, this Ampel should be heard, the Federal Chancellor back. The Ampel must go”, according to him. It is “the only chance for our tollesland”. If it is a puff pastry on a possible registration form with BSW or Linken, it becomes “a beautiful beautiful comic feeling in the Bauch, where the plot coalition partners could work for the Union”. There is nothing but a problem. “This choice must be one of the most important things”, said Söder. “A second reminds me of everything that is Weimar.” There is no question of a policy that Germany has with an “orderly governing” maché.

AfD implements Sperminorität in Saxony

The AfD has not seen a sperminorität of a three of the mandate in parliament during the Landtag selection in Saxony. The Landeswahlleitung corrected the unsophisticatedly reported seat change, the ways of a software error will make incorrect use of the software. The AfD came to 40 and CDU 41 mandate in the Landtag, the total has 120 seats. Damit has both reported a seat less than expected. The SPD and Greens get one more mandate and get 10 bzw. 7 seats. The BSW got 15 mandate, the link is 6 seats and the free voter one. Many people have seen the so-called “Kenya coalition” under the government of Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) with the SPD and the Greens with a smaller majority.

CDU-Wirtschaftsrat: Ampelparteien für Migrationspolitik abgestraft

The Wirtschaftsrat of the CDU unity after the achievements of the Landtagswahlen in Thuringia and Saxony dies of the provision of asylum rights, the unions in the precinct of the meetings of the Federal Government, the prime ministers and the leaders of the Union are provided service tomorrow. “The party of the Ampel colony in the Bund should be punished by the Landtags. And the special ways are a very naive migration policy”, according to the General Secretary Wolfgang Steiger. The SPD and the Greens should consider, as the social democratic party in the Scandinavian states are its example of taking and gegenzusteuern. “In particular, however, the mass acceptance of asylum seekers from our certain neighboring states must be stopped”, according to Steiger.

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September 2, 2024 09:44 ET (13:44 GMT)

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