
US Open: Altmaier bricht nach starkem Start against Navone in – More Sport – Sport

US Open: Altmaier bricht nach starkem Start against Navone in – More Sport – Sport

Danach brought his own Aufschlagspiel zum mühelos 3:1 durch. Navone, eigentliche Sandplatzspezialist, can find nothing at all in the Rhythmus, Altmaier breaks the Argentine erneut. It was the first war that resulted in a simple war in Germany. Please note that the rule and unforced errors occur regularly, so that the satz cannot cause all the flooding with a double fault.

Altmaier im zweiten Satz plötzlich von der Rolle

Satzübergreifend power Altmaier sehr ordentlich weiter, hollow de 13 Punkt in Folge direkt im ersten Spiel des tweeten Abschnitts. Aber Navone reared a bit, ending the serve during the shift. Danach is the first break against Altmaier with a strong longline backhand.

The Kempen lie in this grim phase of the Argentinians in the back drängen, the fehler is more sich. When the Rhythmus war is over, Altmaier can pronounce his condemnation and he has to take a double break after a kräftezehrende schlagabtausch.

The Germans fought for satisfaction with their satisfaction and served with service at 2:5 with a good feeling – that is for everyone, a grateful one-sided Rückhand and an improved Vorhand. There are many satz balls, but the eight are useless Navone.

Altmaier bäumt sich auf, aber Navone turned out to be more dominant

The small bisschen Schwung nahm Altmaier with the first service in Satz threei. It’s a bad match. Both combined in a fun game, more or less fun. Then it depends on Navone aber das Break zum 5:4 aus Sicht des Argentiniers. Altmaier must abgebeb the umkämpften Satz.

Before the four men get the power of the Kempen, there is first a toilet break. Halfway through the night, the navigation is as soft as the Doppel-Break at 3:0. Altmaier ensures a high temperature and kraftlos at high temperatures in Flushing Meadows, verlor the Faden ends and schid am Ende folgerichting aus.