
“Ohne Yoko” haunts the Alten Schulplatz

“Ohne Yoko” haunts the Alten Schulplatz

  2. Lennetal
  3. Repartition

“Ohne Yoko” haunts the Alten Schulplatz
Viele Besucherinnen and Besucher came to their Open-Air-Event with Live Music. © Scholle, Nina

After the festive premiere at New Year’s Eve, the “Herscheider Summer Open Air” could take place after the first performance. Under the motto “sonst und draußen” it is a common concern for children on the Alten Schulplatz, who care about children.

Herscheid – “Wetter is naturally perfect”, thank you to Alyssa Mohn, who is sister for the cultural community in Herscheid. “We have had a lot of happiness!” It is clear that the sky is above the Ebbegem, without clouds and at the temperature of 20 degrees, I can enjoy it. Nicht nur Mohn war rundum zfrieden, auch die fell Besucher: an initial feedback is positive over time, like Mohn.

If the Rahmen-bedingungen have not yet appeared in the Samstag, the Herzstück is one of the Konzerts – the Band – that their books and a kind of Beginning a good Mood for young and old.

Herscheider Sommer Open-Air with the band “Ohne Yoko” on the Alten Schulplatz.
Herscheider Sommer Open-Air with the band “Ohne Yoko” on the Alten Schulplatz. © Scholle, Nina

Obwohl de Band „Ohne-Yoko“ in November performed in 20 years’ time – and four of the five band members were happy with their Gründung dabei – no matter how they are no longer played in Herscheid. For Stefan Klobes, Schlagzeuger und Herscheider, ein Unding: “Wir müssen unbedingt mal in Herscheid spielen!” And so the Bandauswahl remains standing for the Termin des Summer-Open-Airs festival. Entsprechend groß war die Freude vor Beginn des Konzerts. „We are happy! Das Herscheider Publikum is one of the most popular Publikum,” says Klobes.

“The Herscheider are clear!” The Beweisführung ließ nicht sich warten: zu Hits wie „I’m so excited“, „The Best“ or „Hungriges Herz“ were früh the Tanzbein geschwungen. If an electric shock through the concert starts to damage the intestines, it is light and the tons that were there, it becomes more and more a matter of gewes.

“The sad fans of the world” were indeed.
“The sad fans of the world” were indeed. © Scholle, Nina

A natural war for the leadership of the Wohl der Besucher is best ordered: when we had a great feeling, the Kehle could no longer be defied, but it would be his son at Kräften. At “Soul Food” from Lüdenscheid the Besucher with Burgern and Pommes can be strong; the transcribed organization has a cultural interest of the group from Herscheid.

I let the Second World War break the Band Route 45 on the Alten Schulplatz.