
Migros stösst 45 Fachmärkte ab: Deutsche Firmen wollen Do it + Garden übernehmen

Migros stösst 45 Fachmärkte ab: Deutsche Firmen wollen Do it + Garden übernehmen

Insgesamt since 45 Standorte von Do it + Garden affected.
Insgesamt since 45 Standorte von Do it + Garden affected.


The Migros are new Betreiber für ihre 45 Do it + Garden-Standorte. There are German companies – Obi, Bauhaus, Rossmann – that could interest the Dutch Discounter Action.

Keine Zeit? blue News soon for these sisters

  • The Migros are new Betreiberinnen and Betreiber für ihre 45 Do it + Garden-Standorte.
  • Interest and the loaded haben four ausländische Unternehmen. Darunter Rossmann and Bauhaus.
  • During the Medienkonferenz session it became more and more a matter of cooking or cooking.

The Fachmarktkette from Migros for the Baumarkt and Garden article Do it + Garden is in the field of a new trader and a new trader. Insgesamt since 45 Standorte betroffen, welche beef 10 Prozent des Schweizer Do-it-Yourself-Marktes ausmachen.

The Bewerbungsfrist für de Übernahme is finished at the end of October. Whoever has the message about the «Lebensmittelzeitung» has viewed four German Unternehmen Interested. So beispielsweise Obi and Bauhaus.

Migros has its Obi-Baumärkte as a franchisee

As a franchisee, the Migros will sell 200 million francs in sales by 2023. The extra charge of Do it + Garden würden has become a franchise concept.

There is a Dutzend Standorten that Obi Interested. If there is a German extension schritt on a market, you can use the Umsatz-Rückgänge as a «zufriedenstellend» bezeichnet.

Bauhaus is committed to developing Fachmarkte in Switzerland and promoting “continuous” expansions. Interesting interest is one of the big “Do it + Garden”.

Interested in the German Drogeriekette Rossmann. They are wollen in de zahlreichen Schweizer Branchen in der Schweiz herunterkommen and the like nach geeigneten Standorten.

Niederländischer Discounter will expand in Switzerland

View the Dutch Discounter Action hat Expansionspläne in der Schweiz. Dieses Unternehmen are interesting for “Standorten in Stadtrandlage”.

The Migros did not end up in the Vorgängen. During the Medienkonferenz session it became more and more a matter of cooking or cooking.

In the context of the Umstrukturierung would have created a single branch.