
Revolution am Dönerspieß – support the large “Dönerladensterben”?

Revolution am Dönerspieß – support the large “Dönerladensterben”?

Der Döner, an icon of Fast Foods, can make a greater choice. Successful research by Uwe Knop presents an exciting approach to both the EU and the credible orientation as ‘traditional specialization’ could be achieved.

What demand has the “International Donor Federation” brought to the EU?

The Turkish “International Doner Federation” that has established the Antrag with the EU, the Döner as “traditional Specialty” zu schützen, Dabei focussieren sich the “Dönerschützer” ausschließlich on the used Fleisch (of mindestens 16 Monate alten Rindern und Lämmern), that Art des Mariniers, Schneidens und Aufspießens see the exact Garzeit. Hinge games in Diesem Antrag de weiteren “core relevanten” Files and Doners such as Kraut, Zwiebeln, Salat or Soße and Brot keine Rolle. The EU Commission is not yet fully informed in the summer of 2024, but it can be regulated and protected as a “traditional specialty”.

Who knows what Antrag consists of at the core of the question?

Grundsätzlich found that it was an answer, when the words knew, it was possible – you more Transparenz, the better. With a complete Mahlzeit the Sachlage looks but more complizierte out. The best quality from individual components, which first as a “culinary total work” taste- and healthily superimposed – or eben nicht. A döner is not the best meal of meat – and who is man, is on taste, schneidet and gart. This “Handmahlzeit” is a crispy snack of perhaps sometimes salad mix from red kraut, white kraut, red pigs, iceberg salad, tomatoes and turmeric with fresh yoghurt-garlic sauce, “strengthened by” shaved chili powder. 6x Gemüse, potent secondary Pflanzenstoffe, abwechslungsreich, fellfältig, fresh clean with natural, unworked Zutaten and not high-caloric. And if everything is done in one (idealweise) itself, krossen Brötchen or knusprigen Fladenbrot kredenzt. That connects people with doner. It’s one of the most effective things you can think of, but you might want to think about it.

Is eating the grundsätzlich as a “healthy Ernährung” empfehlenswert?

Yes, that’s it. The Doner also adopts the new DGE Guideline for healthy business operations outside the intestines. The DGE (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung) will provide a comprehensive Ernährung, in addition to Hülsenfrüchte nun an explizite Empfehlung. Gilded nor ever the „5x-am-Tag“ Obst and Gemüse-Regel as well as reichlich Milchprodukte. All these Empfehlungen includes a Kichererbsen-Falafel-Döner with Schafkäse, Rotkraut, Weißkraut, red Zwiebeln, Eisbergsalat, Tomate and Gurke with fresh Joghurt-Knoblauchsoße and a “schön Scharf”. You can enjoy having your own healthy lifestyle and making sure you have a balanced effort – with a vegetarian or vegetarian version as a Falafel version, which is played with the “Fladenbrotfxierten Phytopower” and no more separate roles.

Is it a promise that one can “confess” the Döner?

Yes, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder always comes out again on Social Media as a fun experience. Under ex-footballer Lukas Podolski he got his own Dönerimbiss-Kette.


This option is original in the FOCUS online expert


Your Button (*72) ist evidence-based research scholar (Dipl.oec.troph./JLU Gießen), Publizist, Referent und Buchautor (aktuell „ENDLICH RICHTIG ESSEN“ (August 2024)). Look at the objective basic analysis of the studies carried out for more than 14 years to the core of a non-hanging automatic analysis. The button that the main character with his own soul, the self-information and the separation between the different main things of the world – the general essence of Essen with his life – vertrout, makes. Contact: [email protected]