
A journey with buggies and beach cars with sculpture artist Benedict Radcliffe

A journey with buggies and beach cars with sculpture artist Benedict Radcliffe

London sculptor, designer and all-round creative Benedictus Radcliffe has made a name for himself in the world of Drahtgitter sculptures. From Lancia Stratos to the Schreibtisch with his 1:1 Lambos his Portfolio reaches – the wool will experience more about the Ursprünge Seines Schaffens.

The beauty of art is often a visual characteristic. Attribute hinaus. The time that an art teacher is busy, a work of the funken, an idea that yields a product, can easily be removed and no longer carried out. The fall of the famous skulpturenkünstlers Benedict Radcliffe (year 1976) is the process of the Nervenkitzels. Because it is a very creative credit, it is a good idea – if you go to Pebble Beach and CD Shop – let Radcliffe be cool and modest, if it is a Ruhm-geht. Your leadership for the creation of a new work of art is greater if you Gier after recognition. I have found in my Londoner Studio a fund for metal and engines, a photo in the Entstehung of my art.

Benedict was a wonderful time with his work, one with his cars and art that spread. There is still a question, who can restore the car?

I’ll blame my father for that! When I have a problem, I’m busy repairing cars and motor vehicles for their kind friends and their help. I hate the young Mann and Lehre in a LKW repair shop in Fleet Street in London, the war is also a mechanical mechanic and can be most ausführen workers. If a house in Maidstone in Kent is a knitting, while the cars are at war – Volkswagens, Fiats, Renaults and then Toyotas. I have been at war, when I say that a friend of a motor with cranes, Brechstangen and Hämmern ausbauten is…

Was the parallel that the love of art is encouraged in young years?

Yes – my parents, who both studied art – invited me and my teacher to draw and paint. An entire house is dedicated to their works. Anyone who sees antique furniture and objects is self-confident and educated or has had a restoration, eh, to get hold of. I could have a Greek-inspired alabaster head, which my father carved. Such works must have given me self-confidence, to experiment and to buy artwork with colour and from wood in my youth.

If you know that you have thanked a great deal of the history of the city of Glasgow in Scotland, you will love the first Ausstellung. Who is the classmate and groupmate of the damals?

I studied Freude at Mackintosh School of Art in Glasgow! One of the studiums was worked at Scott Associates as an architectural manufacturer. A car company can no longer continue to work – and the future of the future and developing the Scottish landscape by bike!

2007 Bist Du dann nach London zuck, we wir heute in Deiner fantastic Werkstatt sitzen. Versprüht de Stadt immer nor de gleichen “Vibe” wie damals?

Since 2007/2008 the war that Brick Lane has definitely started. The Streetart artist Banksy war is active, there will be many art galleries in the East End with private lighting and eröffnungen in the Vyner Street, so that afterparties take place in other Houses of Commons in the East End. The Brick Lane and the city of Spitalfields have definitely become touristic. The view of groups of Street Art tourists trübt the former Charme ain little…. But I may die Gegend nach wie vor. It may be that Essen, the Gallery and the parks are nearby.

Take care of your troubles. Deine’s sculptures are fascinatingly fascinating. See a Porsche 934 in a 1:1 scale with a Stratos in a 1:7 scale as the ultimate coffee table decoration. Who founded Arbeit in jedem Projekt?

Thank you for the flowers! Now, the dragonfly sculptures have become my unmistakable brand marks. The works in the 1:1 scale, like the 934, have a nice month. I am working on a project with a small team. If you look at 3D renderings, you can adjust the shape and form of a car and adapt it to the material as scarce and clever as you want. By using blueprints, CAD images and photo references, one of the phases of your inheritance. For the smaller sculptures, the 1:1 original sculptures were scanned in 3D and a larger scale of 1:15 or 1:18 passed.

Never mind, anyone who entsteht a car in maßstab 1:1 with metal, a pair of skizzes and a mixed fantasy…

I have two large messy pieces in my work area – 3.20 meters x 6.10 meters – this one is completely flat and eben. If the Arbeitsbühnen start with the car after a sale, then it is a success all the time. The core piece is a fine Gittergerüst-Clamping system, which brings everything together as far as joining is concerned. Manchmal stehen two or der three Schweißer um den Tisch herum – two Mig-Schweißer and a Tig-Schweißer für die fine Bereiche. If, after three or four months of manufacture, the work is such that the cracks, grooves and polishing have been resolved, the stability and the car will continue to stabilize smoothly! A more beautiful moment after all the heart work. The goose cannot be spritzed or pulverized.

You have developed a project for Toyota, Paul Smith, Nike and Rimowa, which has yielded the largest art world. What was the most memorable moment in your career?

When all the Instagram posts from the Monterey car week are over. The F40, the production of Casa Ferrari in Pebble Beach 2022, has been a wonderful experience. I put together a local team in Portland (Oregon) and then went to Monterey. Goodwood is unglazed, and all the cars and the Stimmung am Meer and on the Golfplatz are a few other things.

Is it a car that you can use the most with your car insurance?

Vermutlich the McLaren F1, if your passion is, your passion becomes. I would like to see more than once a figure, like a 1.80 meter taller ASIMO robot, a Michelin man or an astronaut… I may herausforderungen and ich have of the gefühl, that is a figurative Work more difficult is like A car, if you have come to know a man and a means of power. I had a time in Glasgow with a Scottish sculpture together with Kenny Hunter. If it is work and art, the human form is a fact. There is a lot of inspiration.

If you don’t do it anymore, it’s a question of what you can do in the big 934 sculpture and do it like that, if you want. Zum Glück is one of the two own and iconic Beach Buggies. Please let us know everything about this completely crazy creation…

These two are driveable buggies – one green and one in bright orange – took a few years before the Nautilus installation at Comer See was built. It was an experiment! I could do more or less everything in my workshop. The drivers were restored on the two tables in a common drive, which is also done with car sculptures. Thanks to the confidence of the VW Käfer-Motors and the Fahrwerks who could help my Team and that they had built their own cooperation. The installation for the installation was ready in less than a minute. And I would like my friend Christophe Duchesne from Borromeo de Silva with the private beach to rauf and runter – also an art, you can test it!

How long does it take, what is a bauen?

Four to five months. The parts were neglected and thought through. The footage of the Baja race car is an example of “Dusty Times” with articles from damals and such, that this is another example. It is a good idea to do this.

Was your son not in the Radcliffe Garage, but in those cool Strandkreuzern?

My sad Subaru Impreza was taken to the inspection. While the racers are taking apart a few dells, there is a reflective 3m foil display. I was taken to the TUTTO BENE mountain race, which is organized by Race Service and Borreomeo de Silva. I would like to stay longer with the reflective 3m foil experiments, and it will be the perfect location to see.

From the Gitterrohrrahmen to his spectacular Objects for the Writing Table – You have had a problem with the Deiner Arbeit. Can one of your plans in secret projects be one of the most likely?

It’s never been easier than high-quality merchandising and apparel production. The clothes and t-shirts are nice, and I can bring together a company in Leicester, a smaller run of Baumwoll-Viertelreißverschlüsse and Kapuzenpullis in the production. They were reworked here in the UK and could do with everything they did, came from the US and Canada. The production of these products has to be continuous – and that’s what they’ve done.

Thanks for Your Time – and see us on the beach then!

Photos by Tom Shaxson for Classic Driver 2024