
MCV has released tickets for 11.11. in Mainz

MCV has released tickets for 11.11. in Mainz

If the stage at Schillerplatz is worth more, buy these Jaren wieder Tickets. The Redemption is hard to come by – it is not possible to leave any rest cards.

Letztes Jahr goes to the Mainzer Carneval-Verein (MCV) for the tickets for 11.11. Kurzfristig on internet sales. Viele hatten das nicht mitbekommen – darunter were auch Gardisten und other ehrenamtlichen Fastnachter. The MCV is guilty and those years are now all more transparent and fairer.

If an amount is spent this year, it is a cardboard box. That lies in the security concept. Laut MCV lasted no more than 9,000 people in the closed area for the stage.

MCV hat 2,000 glückliche Gewinner sucked

That year you will hold a press conference on the theme. You may wonder if you can register on the internet page of the companies, a card that you want to buy. Laut MCV has received an etwa of 6,500 people. The Zuschlag has now reached 2,000 copies. It is a matter of Help a digital loss of color. All information is provided. The lucky winners dare to order jewels up to four cards. A ticket for the party is 11.11. cost seven Euro.


It is a fact that Schwellköpp is a Besonderheit of the Mainzer Fastnacht.

Knapp 600 Foreword
Mainzer Fastnachtmotto für Kampagne 2025 steht

The Mainzer Carnival Association (MCV) has chosen the motto for the upcoming Fastnachtskampagne. Es heißt: “In my opinion, it’s nice, but don’t forget your Zugplakett!”

SWR4 on Monday


Rest cards for 11.11. ebenfalls were redeemed

If you want to get started, you can look forward to the residual cards. Denn die übrigen Tickets land erneut im Lostopf. When you see the statistics, it’s not a party. Insgesamt was created by MCV in Diesem Jahr 8,000 Tickets. Etwa 1,000 Karten hält der MCV zurück für Sicherheitspersonal, Pressevertrreter, de Sanitätsdienst und Garden.