
Dortmunder Lichterfest sorts for two Aufreger – Besucher fordern Änderung

Dortmunder Lichterfest sorts for two Aufreger – Besucher fordern Änderung

  1. ruhr24
  2. Dortmund
Dortmunder Lichterfest sorts for two Aufreger – Besucher fordern Änderung
The Dortmund Florian Tower illuminates the Light Festival in Regenbogenfarben. © Julia Bremken/RUHR24

The Dortmund Light Festival 2024 is history. After your romantic stay in the Westfalenpark, you can always criticize your views.

Dortmund – Tausende Lichter and Lanterns adorned in the Westfalenpark. It is not bad that so many people are confronted with the Wochenende zum jährlichen Dortmund Lichterfest. But a good thing was here openly Wrongware: Seating arrangements. When the old benches were so heavily attacked and often attacked by Decken – for a charming, other unbequem, which were assessed by the RUHR24-report-report.

“Light Festival 2024” in Dortmund “sofort full” – Besucher fordern Änderungen

Christian from Recklinghausen puts it bluntly: “More benches were great. If someone else ends up on a bench, that is one of the most direct consequences.” The old paint products on the lighter spots are covered, soft drinks often remain in other wahl, as if on a blanket.

Platz lies in front of more benches where you fall in the 75 Hektar Großen Westfalenpark. Bisher now goes further, once he is in the human tummel – for the stages and the food standard. The fight has never been as the lighter city, while the Veranstalters in the city of Dortmund are fighting an unhealthy battle.

Mangle an Sitzplaces at Dortmund Lighter Festival: Not all visitors are missing

As a result, many people fell for picnic decks. This alternative hat is popular when seeing the Seiten, which Susanne from Dortmund noted in RUHR24: “It is a great experience, which will see all the sister rams and the feuerwerk at the end of the highlight.” , about the Abend-spannt geniuses zu können: „Da muss man nicht einfach immer zu den Ständen hinlaufen en stehen in de langen Schlangen. Then a man can have a great experience on the signaler Decke sitzen bleiben.”

Dortmunder Lichterfest: Overcrowded benches and long war hoses

Then the Schlangen in itself. What it is often about is that it is not relatively easy to believe that the positions of Essen are very full. The Schlange am Grillstand is more than a hundred meters long. Make sure that this is now no longer in the Crêpe-Ständen.

Please note that you will have to wait between 30 and 50 minutes for the French Pfannkuchen. Once we no longer have a few square meters for their bean harvest with a sailing ship, it is resting on the highlights of the Abends warten (more news from Dortmund during RUHR24 lessons).

Besucher loben Beleuchtung at Dortmunder Lichterfest: “Einfach a heile Welt”

So to Nicole from Unna: “I found a friend from Mannheim here and found, this is a beautiful event, one of the most beautiful things in the Westfalenpark. That beautiful beauty, the beautiful firework, the person notices, here it could be that something goes wrong. It is simply a whole world”. Even the prices are “not exceeded, it is really in order”, she thinks.

Nicola was busy with his friends and a few glasses of aperol on the high work at 22:30, but it is still only a small hour. Most decisions are made at 18:00 in the Dortmund Westfalenpark. Under the uber-swaying enthusiastic guests, our reporter also listens again and again, people wander to such a Sitzplatz.

The Besucher des Lichterfests in the Dortmunder Westfalenpark sits on Decken. The bank can spend money a few minutes later.
The Dortmunder Lighter Festival locks a lot of visitors in the Westfalenpark. Thank you very much for this change. © Julia Bremken/RUHR24

Dortmunder Lichterfest in der Zukunft gemütlicher? Besuchergruppe fordert Verbesserung

Despite the cosy atmosphere on the decks, the wish for more seating options is truly present. In addition to the other decisions, which are not so important in the Ground seating area, there is a consultation of wills. We look forward to it lasting another year and the Lichterfest still being a great experience.

Head towards the Westfalenpark in Dortmund for a wonderful Light Festival, with free Eintritt. Here is the highlight of Abend’s aber kein Feuerwerk, under a Drohnenshow am Himmel.