
Instrumente fehlen: Blockflöten-Projekt in Hessens Grundschulen läuft schleppend en |

Instrumente fehlen: Blockflöten-Projekt in Hessens Grundschulen läuft schleppend en |

Hessen’s Grundschüler sollen became more musical – so they will create new Schuljahr ein Blockflöten-Pilotprojekt anlaufen. But the schools were warten on instruments. The Ministerium sees no Grund zur Eile.

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00:39 Minute.||Jörn Perske

Image © Dorothee Kraemer | Unsplash|
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There is a war going on between the CDU and the SPD in their coalition agreement this month. Angesichts immenseer Zukunftsaufgaben, die auf den Parteien in crisenhaften Zeiten lastetet, wirkte die Ziel eher nebensächlich: In einigen Grundschulen soll es ab dem Schuljahr 2024/2025 Blockflöten-Unterricht geben. So the music is made.

The messages remain on an echo. Critics spoke of a “PR campaign that has fallen out of time”. Before you can determine the project possibilities. Details of the design were still unclear in the winter – round nine months before the start.

20 Schools for Pilot Project ausgewählt

And now? When the new debt has begun, a Masterplan for its development has never begun. It works like this, if you want to take all the first steps.

In Grundzügen the Hessian Cultural Ministry of the Pilot Project is skizzed. Demnach wurden 20 Schulen in Hesse ausgewählt, die zum Start begin.

The Ministerium covers 20 schools in four regions:

  • North: Schule am Peterswald Neuental (Schwalm-Eder), Biebertalschule Hofbieber (Fulda), Eberhardschule Tann, Grundschule Marbach Petersberg, Katharinenschule Fulda, Otto-Lilienthal-Schule Gersfeld, Wendelinusschule Petersberg (all Kreis Fulda)
  • Middle: Fritz-Philippi-Schule Breitscheid, Lotte-Eckert-Schule Waldsolms (both Lahn-Dill), Franz-Leuninger-Schule Mengerskirchen, Johann-Christian-Senckenberg-Schule Villmar, Schule am Eschilishov Limburg (all Limburg-Weilburg), Jim-Knopf -Schule Wölfersheim, Seementalschule Gedern (next to Wetterau), Korczak-Schule Gießen, Landgraf-Ludwig-Schule Bad Homburg (Hochtaunus)
  • Rhine-Main: Astrid-Lindgren-Schule Dietzenbach (Offenbach), Frauenhofschule Frankfurt
  • South: Carl-Ulrich-Schule Weiterstadt (Darmstadt-Dieburg), Joseph-Heckler-Schule Bensheim (Bergstraße)

The Ministry has written: “The previous phase with a pilot project has started, is in addition to the programming development a good idea and the introduction of the expertise of the participating debtors.” In joint work with the debtors, training materials, learning videos, and reinforcement education units were created and tested.

Unterstützt were können Schulen etwa von Musikvereinen, freisschaffenden Instrumental-Lehrkräften and other Partners and Institutions – that is what the Ministerium states in itself.

The Ministerium is no longer dependent on the Einführung and Umsetzung of various institutions. In other words: the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main (HfMDK), Universitäten Kassel und Gießen, Landesmusikrat Hessen, Bundesverband Musikunterricht (Landesverband Hessen), Landesmusikakademie Hessen and der Hessische Musikverband.

If everything that follows the Soul, becomes the Hesse Basic Musician and “möglichst früh the Möglichkeiten erhalten, ein Instrument zu erlernen”, with the Ministerium erläuterte.

A flächendeckender Blockflöten-Unterricht in Hessens Grundschulen is not of the erklärte Ziel, who is the Ministerium on Anfrage erklärte.

“The Einführung sich hindzuziehen”

In Schulen, in the project that was exchanged, no large Rätselraten was active. “I thought it would be like that after the holidays. But the introduction seems to be coming back”, said Christoph Wilhelm, leader of the Fulda Katharinenschule. The Landkreis Fulda has no debts, but other Kreis are so grim.

Wilhelm misses absolutely nothing, was man braucht: Instrumente, Lehrmaterial und Vorschläge zu Unterrichtsgestaltung. “I have come to terms with it, so that everything is possible and we will obtain a better life.” Wilhelm hofft, in Kürze more details for more information.

“That is an affirmation”

If all that is affected, it is a Wilhelm who lies, the children of the flötentöne activities. There is something in debt itself – for a few years. Now is an enterprise that focuses on the gestaltet of the enterprise. “It is a fact that I can strengthen it better, if all children first intensively in the Flöten ausprobieren.”

First brauchen die Schule any Instrumente. The Ministerium writes: “The development of the school begins. Some schools evolve over class decisions.” La Financión de la Financión de la Financión de Benötigten Instrumente-bekommen.

The costs of recorder projects can be continued by the Ministry of Justice. This is now: “The costs vary after use and the spoiling of the part-taking debts.”

Schulen mit AGs has had an Erfahrung

Nicht is as big as Neuland with the project for the Otto-Lilienthal-Schule in Gersfeld (Fulda). Dort gibt is schon Erfahrungen mit Blockflöten-Unterricht. The children’s play in the work community (AG) was brought to you by Rektorin Manuela Goldbach.

Auch Goldbach was not yet a member of the Grundausstattung with instruments and teaching materials. “Ein Klassensatz met 25 Flöten was mal gut.” The parts of the AGs themselves may one day be abolished. There is its own Flöte that is connected to the hygienic Gründen von Vorteil, erklärte das Ministerium.

Lernerfolge schnell erreichbar

Goldbach started with the pilot project: “Instrumental images in the frühem Alter is generally important. The Blockflöte is an instrument zum Start. Lernerfolge welding sich quickly erzielen. Such small children’s hands can be used by the instrument rasch.”

The flute has a unique musical performance: “It was a musical and melodic journey that lasted a long time.”

