
The Family Day of HG Remscheid is coming very soon

The Family Day of HG Remscheid is coming very soon

Remscheid. In the “family of children’s handballs”, which HG Remscheid has in the Sporthalle Neuenkamp, ​​the war is a fuller story. “The Kids and the Eltern have a positive resonance,” said youth coordinator Frank Alsdorf.

Read more about the Display

Read more about the Display

Über 130 Mädchen und Jungs zwischen threee en zehn Jahren were der Einladung folgt and dared to beweisen with Kinderbewegungsabzeichen Kibaz (Dreibis Sechsjährige) beziehungsweise in a Sportparcour (Sieben-bis Zehnjährige). Dazu was a Hüpfburg in the Außenbereich, a Station with Riesenseifenblasen and a large Dartscheibe aufgebaut.

The HGR family is responsible for the success of the installation. Alsdorf: “Players, parents and kids have taken the time to give the guest a happy day.”