
Gemeinnütziger Verein bot in Frankenberg Analyze von Brunnenwasser an

Gemeinnütziger Verein bot in Frankenberg Analyze von Brunnenwasser an

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The VSR Gewässerschutz nimmt am Labormobil de Wasserproben der Brunnenbesitzer entgegen. Ulrich Kuhlmann (left) from Rennertehausen talks to Arno Mittelmeyer about the different test packages.
The VSR Gewässerschutz nimmt am Labormobil de Wasserproben der Brunnenbesitzer entgegen. Ulrich Kuhlmann (left) from Rennertehausen talks to Arno Mittelmeyer about the different test packages. © Lea Diederich

The own Brunnenwasser can eat a lot, but the washing quality is separated. In Frankenberg, Citizens use the Opportunity, ihr Brunnenwasser at Labormobil des VSR-Gewässerschutzes prüfen zu lassen.

Frankenberg – Leitungswasser zu save and stattdessen of the washer from the own resources of utilities, but also valuable: This can be used for the care of the gardens, for filling the pools and one of the best beds used as a washbasin. If the washing quality is stimulated, having your own Brunnen in the garden is a practical solution.

If the Bürgerinnen and Bürgern have the power over the quality of the Brunnenwassers, the power of the Labor Mobility of the gemeinnützige Vereins VSR-Gewässerschutz am Montagnachmittag in Frankenberg Halt.

For-Ort Analysis on the Labor Market

If you are interested, please fill in the Brunnenwasser in Flaschen and have a Gebühr zur Analysis. Before Dr. Matthias Ahlbrecht and Arno Mittelmeyer of the VSR-Gewässerschutz robbed the Brunnenbesitzer.

With Labormobil boats, the experts are a previous analysis and the washer for nitrate and salz content that examine the pH value. “This analysis is now full, wenn man das Wasser beesschließlich zur Bewässerung von Zierpflanzen nutzen möchte”, explains Matthias Ahlbrecht.

For the Prüfung, by the Brunnenwasser and for other Zwecke-geeignet, the VSR-Gewässerschutz is a fangreichere Testpakete. “The scrubbers are suitable for the larger analyses. The Auswertung dauert dan je nach Umfang etwa two bis three Wochen.“ After abgeschlossener stellt der Verein a Gutachten with Empfehlungen for the Verwendung des Brunnenwassers aus.

Auch Ulrich Kuhlmann from Rennertehausen has brought the Montag sein Brunnenwasser zur Analyse. “Optically you can see the washer picobello as if it were a mold, but it is still visible,” he says.

A great test package for various pampering activities

Insgesamt nahmen Ahlbrecht und Mittelmeyer und diesem Tag 25 Wasserproben entgegen. A Vor-Ort Analysis would not work. “These meists are interesting for the Garten-Brauchwasser analysis,” says Ahlbrecht.

These analyze the most rapid tests for nitrate, guidance, pH values, requirements such as Keime and Kolibaakerien. Stimmen die Grenzerte, könne das Wasser zum Duschen, zum Befüllen von Pools, zur Bewässerung von Gemüse and Zierpflanzen as well as Trinkwasser for Tiere were used.

Make sure to orient yourself to the VSR protection protection and in the Trinkwasserverordnung-festgelegten Werten. When the combined washing analysis was carried out, the washer was fragmented as Trinkwasser for humans.

Health risks due to PFAS in Brunnenwasser

Darüber has done a part of the PFAS analysis. PFAS is suitable for and polyfluoride alkylsubstances. These are also when it comes to chemical products – water, fat and schmutzabweisende chemicals, which fall into the whole state of the forklifts. You will end up in nature or if you are an expert, when it comes to a common sense.

PFAS can be found in fast food packaging, backing paper and silk for example. When trading the substances, you can use the exhaust gas and exhaust water in air and water. For source use, PFAS-containing water can result in a tax on the environment. This can be a problem when cleaning the air.

The VSR-Gewässerschutz is a common useful environmental organization, which lasts 40 years before the Schutz des Grundwassers einsetzt. The data, the federal service of labor mobility and the researches of the washing machines could become a statistical whole, a potential blunder in the jewelery districts of machines. The data were worked anonymously.

A region generally practices labor mobility every two years, where Arno Mittelmeyer is erklärt. “You still have the ability to do it yourself, you can do it yourself by post.”