
Marijke Amado about her love with Rudi Carrell: “We are now working”

Marijke Amado about her love with Rudi Carrell: “We are now working”

Rudi Carrell came his way. He saw Marijke Amado on the Icons of German TV today. A conversation about Fernsehen, sexism and new paths.

Marijke Amado is in the German Fernsehen. “I’m glad, I’m the First One, who doesn’t care about 70 or a new Sendung,” he said, laughing. “Amado, Belli, Biedermann” will be announced in the new Talk format starting from 16 September.

Marijke Amado came up with a new talk format in the ARD

If you see reporter Leonie Müller on the phone, you will be helped quickly. So it is so big that the Vorfreude on the project is so focused. “I am a rock, because my chances were born, my inheritance, which I had in my life, we would dare to do so.” Yes, inheritance, that Amado zuhauf gemacht. Positive who are negative. If all goes well, the young woman will be in the heutige Fernsehbranche (zum Glück!) who can get more queens.

Vom Reisebüro in deutsche Unterhaltungsfernsehen

The Dutch Showmaster Rudi Carrell († 71) wars, their Landsfrau in the 70s. No hint of Kulissen an erfolgreichen Shows. No, do not go on an Antarctic Cross-country trip. The peculiar Marijke has named damals as a travelogue for Neckermann. They have traveled in Europe, Africa, Asia and the country in the north of the country, then finally at the ARD. Genauer plays in Carrell’s Spieleshow classic “Am laufenden Band”.

Marijke Amado

Showmaster Rudi Carrell participated in the damals and also as a tour guide in the 1970s in an Antarktis-Kreuzfahrt.
© Peter Bischoff/Getty Images

“All have little respect for those who carry Röcke”

A trauma gets worse, so it is most useful after outside. The reality was different. “If in the 70s at Rudi Carrell there was a woman who had seen a woman on the Fluren, the war was a pure male world – from the Kameraleuten to the Kabeltraäger with his mask: all men”, there is an Amado in BUNTE. the-Interview back. “Ich was eine von drei Assistentinnen and our task was war, the man’s his business behind his back. We were only Work.” And I am the best stills.

“Wenn man früher dem Mann offensichtlich Kontra geboten hat, konnte man sofort seine Suitcase packen. Wir Frauen must have fallen more diplomatically, more tactically forgehen. The Editors, Moderators and Showmaster glaubten namlich, sieien die Götter des TVs. They were Machos der Unterhaltung and Herrscher der Direction, and all have little respect for the dens, the Röcke trugen.”

A plötzliche roarte einer: “Geh with deinem dicken Arsch gone”

A situation was not made worse. “I was sollte in the General Probe was machen, da hörte ich plötzlich, wie een door de Studio bawlte: ‘Geh mit deinem dicken Arsch vor der Kamera weg.’ So war of the Umgangston damals: rau, direkt, frauenfeindlich.” The problem has not been solved. I am Gegentil. You have power if you want it. With Erfolg!

Marijke Amado

They founded the “WWF Club” in the 80s of the cult: Jürgen von der Lippe, Marijke Amado and Frank Laufenberg. (from left to right).
© IMAGO / United Archives

“In the 80s we will learn more about ourselves.” Kale then became a member of the Side of Frank Laufenberg and Jürgen van der Lippe in the “WWF Club” of the West German Rundfunks. In the 1990s, a big and beautiful broadcast followed years later: the “Mini Playback Show” on RTL. Spätestens da war clear: Amado gehört ins Fernsehen.

Marijke Amado

In the Neunzigerjahren wollen (fast) all children are welcome in Amados “Mini Playback Show” signal.
© Frank Hempel/United Archives via Getty Images

Marijke Amado bereut: “We have lived all alone”

A war didn’t last longer than the only woman in the industry. “Auch Moderatorinnen wie Birgit Schrowange or Isabel Varell kämpft her mothers on the market in the TV industry,” Amado explains. “Aber wir hasen es all all in getan. Jede hat für sich kämpft, not in der Gemeinschaft. And that is a whole of the great unterschied zu heute: Ich sehe, dass die new Generation Zusammenhalt ganz großschreibt.” As the industry became more weiblich over the years, one of the following issues may not be handled properly. “And if we move wool, we will buy our sister.”

Birgit Schrowange and Isabell Varrell

Birgit Schrowange (left) and Isabell Varrell (right) in 1990.
© Valdmanis/United Archives via Getty Images

Three women, three generations, one show

Deshalb is the new Talk format. Three generations, three hereditary women: Amado (70), Aminata Belli (32) and Jeanette Biedermann (44). Zugegebenermaßen eine Kombi, the man who is not so original, has no heat. “They come with such a clear view, they achieve a whole lot,” says Amado euphorically. Ernst says that: “I’m a new person, that’s a new show and a female talk show is – you know, with three man stattfinden, a man who doesn’t have a good manners to speak. So you have a self-assured relationship, that’s the way your women work.”

Marijke Amado

The following trio: Marijke Amado (70), Aminata Belli (32) and Jeanette Biedermann (44).

Was das Publikum erwarten dare? Themen, so bump who das Leben himself. Marijke Amado: “Wir sind keine Service-Sendung. Wir sagen nicht: ‘Koche so und nehme zum Putzen das und das’. Nein, we discuss Themen, which our auf dem Herzen lie. We weld our Publikum an unseren Erfahrungen and Gedanken teilhaben .”

The ARD presents itself with “AmadoBelliBiedermann” in a new, generation-proof Talk format. Starting on September 16, the three moderators will meet at 4:10 PM for open meetings and conversation with prominent guests.

Take a look at the progress:

Auch Jeanette Biedermann looks at the interview about his experiences: “Manchmal at Limit”
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