
Kittel recalls a Versailles memory

Kittel recalls a Versailles memory

Everything fits. A beautiful summer, a fuller house and an atmosphere – wie malout. The end of the process in the middle of the siege is long. Once you have arrived, let the Besucher no longer see, while the Piaffe seat gives the Passage-stimmt or the Trab an extra impulse. Then the Mischung-macht. Music, which goes into the Ohr, and a Kür, which aufweist all Schwierigkeiten. Ambitious Rider above, fleißige Pferde below. And then a commentator who says that the feinheiten do not return.

“Delicious”, fand Christoph Hess de Darbietung von der Mexikanerin Monica Burssensthe Rolling Stones’ elf dance during the Viereck-führte. The Reiterin is very likely, a wonderful problem that occurs and that it is great to see. If the atmosphere in the atmosphere has arisen, the castle has become debt-free, while the few a few things remain unnoticed. For Burssens blieb Rang sechs, was ihrem Wohlbefinden keinen Abbruch tat.

Especially Rückkehr für Timpe

That’s also good for Andrea TimpeIt’s worth making an invested call with Don Carismo, but it’s a solid foundation to take a special look at. Die Westfälin is inzwischen in Hesse beheimaatet und meinte zur Rückkehr nach Münster: “It is full of people who come to the house.”

If Carina Scholz with Soiree d’Amour das Viereck losß, power Hess ein zufriedenes, glückliches and etwas ängstliches Pferd aus. “Cokett, charming, zum Verlieben”, entfuhr es dem Pferdefachmann – there meinte die Stute. While a piaffe jammed, after the trabtritte of the high points had been made, a letztlich Rank four heraus jumped up.

Kittel cracks that 80-Prozent-Hürde

“If I had no luck, I was neither loved nor bad,” said the local matadore Ingrid Klimke of the geese Drumherum begeistert. You hate it with First Class „ganz großes Kino“ (Hess) and dare to be over Rang three friends. Completely from the house war Hess, as Congratulations Hendricks on Drombusch ausritt. Gepflegtes Reiten, losgelassen, sauber in der Anlehnung und Zufriedenheit ausstrahlend, so your sporting expertise. And that the music is repeated again, and Hess gushes: “After 22 hours, the Richter could be heard loudly.” The Zweitplatzierte hatte mega Spaß and wusste, since Ihr Drombusch a large Publikum nun mal liebt.

I'm brilliant in the special Katharina Hemmer with Denoix.
I’m brilliant in the special Katharina Hemmer with Denoix. Photo: Jurgen Peperhowe

Guest at the Olympic Games ist Patrick Kittel. Der Schwede aus Appelhülsen war Samstag nicht zu siegen. With Forever Young, the ambitious Weltcup-Sieger combs like an über the 80-Prozent-Hürde (80.85) and feels for the Schloss and its Olympic Versailles-Feeling. He testified to the pair “Motivation, Dynamics and Freud”, entlockte dem Reiter, was a machine that worked more freely. “Thank you for your time with my friends and daughters, back for pizza and good food.” Applause for the man on the stage.

Hemmers overwhelming Fazit

Katharina Hemmer dare to see the Grand-Prix-Sieg of Donnerstag on the Sonntag in Special as Siegerin on Denoix feiern feiern. Titelverteidigung aus dem Vorjahr glückt. “For me it is a pleasure, that is a long outfit.” The Zweitplatzierte Carina Scholz auf Tarantino gave an excellent experience during my stay: “I am very comfortable and very happy after the house.” Chef Richter Dietrich Plewa spoke before his Richterkollegen and attested to it level of clothing is higher and the level of a world class leistung. Worte, die Michael Klimke als Verantwortlicher in der Dressur, nur bestätigen konnte. “All the best.”