
Klassischer Grieß-Pudding nach Omas Geheimrezept

Klassischer Grieß-Pudding nach Omas Geheimrezept

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A Hauch von Nostalgie: Grandma’s Grießpudding is the perfect dessert, a childhood experience that will last forever. Einfach, fast and wider!

It is a good meal, which is a little soft in childhood – and the semolina pudding is definitely ready. Schon at the first loaf man immediately feels back in grandma’s kitchen, where the smell of sugar, warmer milk and vanilla through the room so-called semolina pudding war and is a real classic, which still makes a new beginning. For all, the classic semolina porridge from grandma lies, the pudding is the perfect Erfänzung auf dem Speiseplan.

Grießbrei pudding in pudding form with fresh fruits
The recipe for the granola pudding is perfect for your occasion, for delicious dessert for dessert. The device is quick and easy to use. (Symbol image) © Zoonar/IMAGO

The mixture of sweet vanilla, a big seat and that undisputed creaminess is a direct way to get into other inner tensions, which form the classic Milchreis. One of the best things: There can be no ausgefallenen or dried up cooking schritte. A simple reaction, the man in the nullkommanichten can bring a small step in the direction of the counter.

The man is impressed with this easy recipe for spooky pudding from Oma’s repertoire:

With these tricks you can make your Omas Grießpudding even more delicious:

If the grießpudding is still luxurious, the recipe can be a simple refinement. Add vanilla extract to a real vanilla shot for a more intense nutty and seduce the pudding to a refined refinement. For extra creaminess, the milk of half with sahne is ready – a smaller trick, the pudding is under the same power. If it would be more like that, the sweet meat or the savory dessert can be used, which makes the dessert a little lighter.

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Grießbrei-Pudding with fresh früchten
With this recipe for a Grießpudding after your grandmother’s art, you can enjoy your own love and peace of mind. (Symbol image) © Zoonar/IMAGO

Grießpudding is not purely a genus, but it is less tasty with different kinds of combinations. Self-made red greetings or a fruity apple compote are classic accompaniments, which through your fruity sour cream the züßen pudding perfectly enrich. Fresh fruits such as strawberry, strawberry or blueberry go well with the re-forming dazu and bring a fresh note into the game. A few mince leaves as a garnish provide a fresh feeling and make the pudding with a real Hingucker.

With Grießpudding a feast for the sins of the past

Grießpudding is not a recipe from the Tagen, but a timeless classmate, who has been in your kitchen. Seine Vielseitigkeit and the lonely preparation of a machine in a dessert, if it is still a delicious meal and the Kindheit or if it takes longer a gelungen Essens.

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