
50 in Ausbildung: Mühlviertler Hochland as “Hochburg” for Tourismuslehrlinge

50 in Ausbildung: Mühlviertler Hochland as “Hochburg” for Tourismuslehrlinge

There is a Lehre in the Bereich Tourismus and Gastronomy for many young people after an attractive option, states the Tourismusregion Mühlviertler Hochland under Beweis: In all hotel and gastronomy operations are Lehrlinge ausgebildet. The device can take longer than 50 young people in a rest period for washing.

URFAHR-UMGEBUNG/MÜHLVIERTEL. The palette of the mixed offer is as often as the business, in the case of the jewel-like Lehre absolviert wird: Ob ganzische Koch and/oder Kellner, Restaurantfachmann, Hotel- und Gastgewerbeassistent or Gastronomiefachmann – in the Hochland-Hotels and Gastrobetrieben were so good wie alle Berufsbilder vermitteltel.

Lehrberufe “not unattractive”

Tourism Manager Markus Obermüller says about the big question: “It is not that this does not cost any more money in the Hotel and Gastronomy area. It is of course the case that the consequences of climate change are not as great if the presentation of the offer is attractive”, says he. Because it is the case that you have a healthier representation, in the world of communication, the youth in the Umfeld – Stichwort Work-Life-Balance – is not spoiled: “It is a very good, confused representation, which offers a wider world of practice. Self-understood is the working times or the weekly work not everyone’s business. Lehrberufe im Tourismus has aber in Sachen Freizeit, Flexibility und Gehalt definitively on my Vorteile – and that is for the entsprechende Nachfrage Mitverantwortlich“, meint Obermüller.

Design until 2026

That’s so nice, it’s young – often also when you follow Praktika bzw. Schnuppertage – frühzeitig for my tourism registrations. This money is spent in a own Hochland-Betrieben for the years 2025 and 2026.

It's good to start with Anfang September, a new Lehrlinge in Hotel Guglwald with its tourist Berufslaufbahn. | Photo: Alexander Kaiser
Allen discovered that Trotz de Lehre im Tourismus nach wie voor gefragt, in the Mühlviertler Hochland more than 50 Lehrlinge became available. | Photo: David Tadevosian


A golden Auszeit nehmen. | Photo: Peter Baier


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The Umbau has become new in the Sole Felsen Welt in Gmünd. Schon von Weitem fell the modern Holzfassade des Hotels**** ins Auge. If it is no longer possible, your inner self may get the best results. GMUND. The Sole Relax Lagoon, where the Innen- and Außenbereich extends, shines with its noble steel beaks in new shine. Sprudelnde sitzbereiche and a wash basin to take care of bathing and welding den…