
POLITIK BLOG/BDA warns of billions in additional costs due to Renten Plan

POLITIK BLOG/BDA warns of billions in additional costs due to Renten Plan

DJ POLITIK-BLOG/BDA warns of billions of euros in additional costs due to the Renten-Plan

The overview in the Kurzmeldungen zu Entwicklungen, Ergebnissen and Einschätzungen around the Bundesdeutsche Politik:

BDA warns of billions of euros in additional costs due to interest plans

The Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände wirft der Bundesregierung vor, die von ihr beschlossene Erleichterung bei der Beschäftigung Älterer with new milliardenschweren Zusatzkosten zu konterkarieren. The broader funding arrangements will allow grant funding and the longer term of funding to be extended, doubling and reducing costs. If you make a cost saving, the mortgage interest deduction corresponds to the abschlagsfree “Interest ab 63”, as BDA-Hauptgeschäftsführer Steffen Kampeter erklärte. “The Ampel-checks the cuts on the Beschäftigung alterer leader with new billionsschweren sisterätzlichen Kosten in the Rentenversicherung and damit at the Beitragszahlern. Neither hohere Belastungen von Arbeitgebern and Beschäftigten wirken aber as Wachstumsbremse”, warned there.

Bauindustrie enttäuscht von Baugesetzbuch-Novelle

The head of the Deutschen Bauindustrie said that it was the Verabschiedung of the Baugesetzbuch novella in the Bundeskabinet. If you have a good feeling, it has not happened yet. “For the Bau-Turbo-brauchen, the debt of the Bund, Ländern and Communes is put an end to zu erleichttern, since das Mindestmaß, and we will be the next messenger of the Federal Government,” said Tim-Oliver Müller, Hauptgeschäftsführer of the Hauptverbandes der Deutschen Bauindustrie. Deutschland is at the highest level of the year 2010 zu. Positive is that the Federal Government of the Verbandsempfehlungen for a number of Bauen-consequences, how the Flüchtlingsbau Sonderregeln flows out on the Mietwohnungsbau. Here is a first attempt after 2027.

CSU politician: Citizen money must be abolished

The CSU has demanded the abolition of the citizen’s money. The Ankündigung a zero round in the citizen’s money by Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) is according to the CSU’s Ansicht a eingeständnis of the SPD, that is the social policy and the Irr-weg. “The war between the citizen’s money and a bigger war has made the headquarters and the power of society an attractive whole as the way to the labor market”, said Peter Aumer, the social political speaker of the CSU in the Bundestag. “Zum wiederholten Male versuchtte Bundesarbeitsminister Heil met Schönheitskorrekturen, wie der Verschärfung von Sanktionen and einem Ausbleiben der Inflationsanpassung, was er übrigens both bis for kurzem nor categorically abgelehnt hat, the Cars from the Dreck zu see.” During the Leistungsausweitungen and the increasing Zahl and Bürgergeldempfängern müsse der Staat dieses Jahr bound 8,5 Billiarden Euro more for das Bürgergeld ausgeben as noch in Jahr 2021.

Immobilienwirtschat lobt Novelle des Baugesetzbuchs

The Bundesregierung plans for the new Baugesetzbuchs are spread across the Spitzenverbanden of the Immobilienwirtschaft with more pace and more Flaexibilität for Bauen in Germany. The previous construction construction work in Ballungsgebieten brings deutliche Fortschritte, so der Zentrale Immobilien Ausschuss (ZIA). “The ever more dramatic Wohnungsmangel is a long story short after a powerful release. We are happy with each other, as a result of the whole series of debates and end with a real novella of the Baugesetzbuches”, says ZIA President Iris Schöberl zum heutigen Kabinettsbeschluss. “Wir brauchen in diesem Land most urgent riesige Schritte nach vorn, um ganz quick fell fell Wohnraum zu purchase – es könnten jetzt immerhin in a few very large Schritte kommen.” After an overview of the agreements, the Neubaulücke is active on an amount of 600,000 homes. The Zahl was born on 830,000 in the year 2027.

Wirtschaftsforum der SPD promotes the reform of the EU-Beihilferecht

The SPD Economic Forum offers a good idea about the legality of Germany and the European Union a reform of the EU support rights. It is known that there is a settlement by regular supervision and a rapid general development, a Europe legality on the scaffolding. “Europe must have its own green industrial police that deals with the development of the economy, will never be the Anschluss-verlosen. We must unite the trust, especially in community projects, in order to keep up with the international competition progress”, says Ines Zenke, chairwoman of the SPD Economic Forums. The developments must become more streamlined, leaner and faster, damn Europe, which will continue to be a grim business world and with the same global legal requirements.

Cities see “gutes Signal” in Migrationsgesprächen

The German city has a positive influence on migration and opposition. “It is true that the Bund and the Länder can accept the Schutz for Terror and Violence in Germany. A good signal, the Gespraäche von Ampel, Ländern and Union fortgesetzt were sollen for the seriousness of the problems in the Füchtlings- and Asylpolitik”, said Städtetags-president Markus Lewe. The city was no longer upholstered, but the geflüchted toe were sollen, when with the Waffen a Straftat began to become. The Dublin-Verfahren must become a schneller and an einfahrer. More and more asylum seekers must be accepted in the EU member states of the EU member states, which are actually for their sister states. You will now see an intensive conversation between the Federal Government and Herkunftsländern over Rückführungsabkommen.

Wagonboy assesses Migration Meeting

BSW chief Sahra Wagenknecht criticizes the migration flows of the Bundesregierung, Ländern and Opposition. “The war is no longer a migration flow, but one of the consequences of the Arbeitsverweigerer”, such as the Funke Mediengruppe. Wagenknecht seeks a passion in the migration policy with a government of maßnahmen: “There are no asylum seekers and no asylum seekers, who are responsible for their journeys, which are responsible for the direct journey of the asylum seeker. Asylanträge von Personen ohne Ausweisdokumente if it is no longer possible, who es der Landkreistag fordert.” Let the device be longer for short periods of time and carefree afterward.

Buschmann brought Plane für Schutz von Einsatzkräften into Cabinet

Federal Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP) has given the Mittwoch een Gesetzentwurf zum besseren Schutz von Einsatzkräften and Ehrenamtlern for Angriffen ins Kabinett ein. If you come from the Cabinet List, the Bundespresseamt ​​​​is one of the most important institutions for the negotiation of the Strafgesetzbuches. The Plane von Buschmann sees after information from the Rhineland Post, Polizisten in Zukunft more Rechtssicherheit zu bieten beim Einsatz sogenannter Distanz-Electro-impulsgeräte, which were also destroyed by Electroshock pistols or the Taser. The Prime Minister of the Ministers of Justice is in the process of establishing a provision in the rules of the broader standard to achieve the full payment official. So you can put the “Tatbegehung mittels eines hinterlistigen überfalls” in the Rule a legal “besonders schweren Fall”.

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September 4, 2024 07:42 ET (11:42 GMT)

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