
Higher, faster, further

Higher, faster, further

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Higher, faster, further
Niece nur Paulina Heiß waff das Gerät sehr weit. © Red

With the SV Stockhausen as Ausrichter, the Diesjährige Sparkassen Kinderleichtathletik- (KiLa) Cup went in the previous Runde. The fun of the war of the wet camp series for the children’s classes U8 to U12 with a performance of 200 pieces is a complete event.

Dabei was one of the starters in the Altersklasse U14. If you play the JuLa-Cup competition, you can use those years for this alternative class over time.

The U14 athletes absolved a classic triathlon in the 50-meter sprint, battling ball competition and weitsprung. While most women in the community Clara Illgen from the Alsfelder Sport-Club ’96 go down in history. The sweaty Platz went with Amelie Rausch to Alsfelder SC. Luisa Wirth from TV Lauterbach invested the written Rang. The war between U14 and Starterfeld is a big war – here Lauterbacher is placed on the ranking list and the zwei. John Neszi from TVL went to the Dreikampf for his Vereinskollegen Finn Walther. Paul Imhof from ASC ’96 with Dritter.

The more schneller this is, it is one of the most important statistics for children’s light athletics. Here you will find the equipment of the classic light athletics and the nachwuchs who are friendly to these reanführen. Outside, the children are in teams at the start. In the alternative class of the U8 you go to Teams with the best results and you can better run one of the best teams on a kopf-en-kopf-rennen. The end is reached for the team of the Alsfelder-Sport-Club ’96. Second was the mixed team from Schlitz and Niederaula. The threat of the team from Lauterbach is safe. In this schedule are the 30 meter sprint, the sprint and the Zielweitsprung. Ähnlich is in the Altersklasse U10 aus. Here the Wettkampf started with the Weitsprung in the Zone, before the 40-meter sprint and the Schlagwurf continued. In the Gesamtwertung the Team of TV Angersbach is the winner of the first Platz. The second time is that the children of SV Niederaula are free. Der drite Platz went to the Team of Alsfelder SC. For the Altersklasse U12 it is about Schlagwurf. We continue with the jump, before I am done with the 50-meter sprint, nor everything that has happened. Der Sieg went a great team from Lauterbach and Herbstein. The zweiten Platz is certainly of the U12-Kids of the ASC ’96 closely followed by the mixed Team from Frischborn and Angersbach on the ranking.

For the Vogelsberger Leichtathletiknachwuchs are the most favorable, a few things you can do. If you continue with the KiLa-Cup, go to the big finale at the letztenstation in Angersbach.

Image0930MeterEloyDelgaoV_4c_3 © Hartwig Zinn