



Der Markt-Überblick am Morgen, compiled by Dow Jones Newswires:


Überraschender CEO-Wechsel at Daimler Truck: The long-time Vorstandsvorsit channel Martin Daum canceled his messages at the end of September. The driver of the utility vehicle would then be Karin Radström, who will take over the chief positions until the end of 2021. Since then, his office has been lowered and as of the end of 2024, it will be open to the public at the end of the day. Radström became one of the most successful Mercedes-Benz Trucks responsibilities, which have appeared in his following list. Ihr Vertrag honored as CEO until January 31, 2029.


The Aktien von Hypoport and Schott Pharma are rising in the MDAX auf. If you use Encavis and Evotec, the bisherigen Plätze von Hypoport and Schott Pharma in SDAX-übernehmen. The Deutsche Euroshop is new in the SDAX store, where Aktien von Bay started. The cases were scheduled for September 23. The Zusammensetzung of DAX and TecDAX are not available.

The indexing in detail:

 - Hypoport 
 - Schott Pharma 
 - Encavis 
 - Evotec 
 - Encavis 
 - Evotec 
 - Deutsche Euroshop 
 - Hypoport 
 - Schott Pharma 
 - BayWa 


10:00 SE/Volvo Car Corp, Capital Markets Day

11:00 DE/Compugroup Medical SE, Capital Markets Day


- DE 
  08:00 Auftragseingang Juli 
     PROGNOSE: -1,0% gg Vm 
     zuvor:  +3,9% gg Vm 
  08:00 Umsatz verarbeitendes Gewerbe Juli 
     PROGNOSE: k.A. 
     zuvor:  -0,9% gg Vm 
- EU 
  11:00 Einzelhandelsumsatz Juli 
     PROGNOSE: +0,3% gg Vm 
     zuvor:  -0,3% gg Vm 
- US 
  14:15 ADP-Arbeitsmarktbericht August 
     Beschäftigung privater Sektor 
     PROGNOSE: +140.000 Stellen 
     zuvor:  +122.000 Stellen 
  14:30 Erstanträge Arbeitslosenhilfe (Woche) 
     PROGNOSE: 229.000 
     zuvor:  231.000 
  14:30 Produktivität ex Agrar (2. Veröffentlichung) 2Q 
     PROGNOSE:  +2,5% gg Vq 
     1. Veröff.: +2,3% gg Vq 
     1. Quartal: +0,4% gg Vq 
     PROGNOSE:  +0,8% gg Vq 
     1. Veröff.: +0,9% gg Vq 
     1. Quartal: +3,8% gg Vq 
  15:45 Einkaufsmanagerindex/PMI Service (2. Veröffentlichung) August 
     PROGNOSE:  55,1 
     1. Veröff.: 55,2 
     zuvor:   55,0 
  16:00 ISM-Index nicht-verarbeitendes Gewerbe August 
     PROGNOSE: 51,0 Punkte 
     zuvor:  51,4 Punkte 
  16:30 Rohöllagerbestandsdaten (Woche) der staatlichen Energy Information Administration (EIA) 


INDEX            Stand  +/- 
DAX-Future        18.578,00 -0,1% 
E-Mini-Future S&P-500   5.524,25 -0,1% 
E-Mini-Future Nsdq-100  18.918,75 -0,2% 
Nikkei-225        36.556,18 -1,3% 
Schanghai-Composite    2.782,61 -0,1% 
Hang-Seng-Index     17.349,19 -0,6% 
                  +/- Ticks 
Bund -Future       134,63%   0 
INDEX        Schluss    +/- 
DAX        18.591,85   -0,8% 
DAX-Future     18.596,00   -0,5% 
XDAX        18.560,32   -0,5% 
MDAX        25.296,83   -0,4% 
TecDAX       3.283,48   -1,5% 
EuroStoxx50     4.848,18   -1,3% 
Stoxx50       4.454,86   -1,3% 
Dow-Jones     40.974,97   +0,1% 
S&P-500-Index    5.520,07   -0,2% 
Nasdaq-Comp.    17.084,30   -0,3% 
EUREX        zuletzt +/- Ticks 
Bund-Future     134,63&    +62 



Preview: With a recurrent business right dealer. The brands are now starting to stand on the American American market and combine other impulses. It is always the case that the American economy falls into a recession or that a larger country is rechnet. The data vom Vortag were reinterpreted. When the Bank of Canada started working with its stocks and loans, the economy could earn their money and inflation fell quickly. There is a lot of interest in the next day on the ADP labor market report and the American American labor market data, before the grand finale with the monthly report begins. In Germany, some economic forecasts are made. The experiences with a bell in Germany are small on the market, but there are positive reactions about positive reactions.

Back View: Schwach – Even a Nasdaq turn in the direction of the faltering depreciation. The mood for the company is under pressure. Defensive sectors with real estate and telecommunications are sweet on the broad market, technology values ​​(-3.2%) set the conclusion. Here the UBS is taxed for the heavyweight of ASML (-5.9%) in your “neutral” way. ASML is said to have appealed to the warning of analysts in the nineties. With minus 5.9 percent Volvo Cars listened to the losses in the sector. If you see that the end of the years is a full-fledged electric model range, Sweden becomes unlikely. Europe is under pressure on the assets of luxury goods manufacturers. One of the stock markets would be increasingly sold in China. Schwächster Wert im Sektor were Richemont (-5.9%). LVMH, Burberry, Moncler all sell over 4 Prozent in Minus.


Schwach – Commerzbank fielen um 2,7 Prozent, nachdem der Bund am Vorabend the bevorstehenden Ausstieg aus seiner Beteiligung bestätigt hatte. The money is a Aktienüberhang of knapp 16.5 Prozent. Since then, it is possible that the VW will receive the Sparprogramm bei der Kernmarke in 2023. Citi assumes that it has become a work plan in Germany in Erwägung since 87 years and that the long-term Abkommen zur Arbeitsplatzsicherheit with the Gewerkschaften in Deutschland brechen could be achieved. After a turbulent Betriebsversammlung, the VW Action goes 1.2 Prozent nach. BMW (-1.2%) and Mercedes-Benz (-1.7%) fell behind. The Ifo-Geschäftsklimaindex for the car industry war is minus 24.7 Punkte von revidiert minus 18.5 in July abgestürzt. Considering the trend length Immobilienwerte zu, TAG a 5 Prozent, Vonovia a 2.5 and a LEG a 3.2 Prozent. Kepler was positive, the sense-making process began habe. If you notice the price of your home in your own Tiefpunkt, this is a problem.


The undeclared angeschlagene immunity that the Kurse was still taxed. There were no special measures in the purchase of products. Daimler Truck responds to Lang & Schwarz and thinks about the long term of the CEO who is leaving his post.


Nicely behauptet – After their strong Vortagesrücksetzer, the Börsen is stabilized. The Stimmung was completely extinguished. Progress was made in the future of the ISM Index of the US Gewerbes verantwortlich gemacht. Make sure you end up in the Zurückhaltung before you can address the US-Arbeitsmarkt message in the Freitag. Die am Mittwoch veröffentlichte Zahl of offenen Stellen veld derweil niedriger as erwartet aus. Vom Konjunkturbericht “Beige Book” der Fed went to Kaum Impulse aus. Nvidia goes to the Kurseinbruch is quickly 10 Prozent a weitere 1.7 Prozent nach. A message sent by the US Justice Department Nvidia and other companies may have triggered a cartel law. Dismissing business payments and a profit warning put Dollar Tree at 22.2 percent in the South. Verizon has a value of 3.4 percent. Inform people who want to orient themselves on the development of their network by Frontier Communications (+38%). US Steel falls um 17.5 Percent ab. The steel repairer should warn, the work would disappear, the factory would be planted by the Japanese Nippon-Steel -separator.


Laufzeit       Rendite   Bp zu VT Rendite VT +/-Bp YTD 
2 Jahre         3,77     -9,9    3,86   -65,5 
5 Jahre         3,56     -8,2    3,64   -44,3 
7 Jahre         3,65     -7,5    3,73   -32,0 
10 Jahre         3,76     -7,2    3,83   -12,0 
30 Jahre         4,06     -6,1    4,12    9,3 

The display goes to the German Vortagesverlusten weiter nach. Market conditions are based on the shocking data of the abusive couples.


DEVISEN     zuletzt    +/- %    0:00 Mi, 17:10  % YTD 
EUR/USD      1,1077    -0,1%   1,1084   1,1080  +0,3% 
EUR/JPY      159,04    -0,1%   159,22   159,91  +2,2% 
EUR/CHF      0,9379    -0,1%   0,9392   0,9401  +1,1% 
EUR/GBP      0,8425    -0,1%   0,8431   0,8426  -2,9% 
USD/JPY      143,57    -0,0%   143,64   144,32  +1,9% 
GBP/USD      1,3147    +0,0%   1,3147   1,3150  +3,3% 
USD/CNH      7,1012    -0,2%   7,1126   7,1135  -0,3% 
BTC/USD    57.274,65    -1,4% 58.088,70 57.483,55 +31,5% 

The dollar rate is lower – the dollar index is burdened by the swiss data are 0.5 percent after. There are a number of US economies that take risks when they touch the dollar, the yen and the franc together with the euro, if there is a small braking mass, which allows Safe-Haven-Strömen to make a profit, so ING.

You can see tomorrow how high the situation is in January. To one of the young vulnerable low and the debtor when it comes to money, other people will get in the United States sense to look, what makes the Japanese nut bank sense higher in the Raum style.



ROHÖL      zuletzt VT-Settlem.   +/- %  +/- USD  % YTD 
WTI/Nymex     69,44     69,2   +0,3%   +0,24  -2,2% 
Brent/ICE     72,95     72,7   +0,3%   +0,25  -3,2% 

The oil price is under pressure. The market is focused on the award ceremony with conjunctural and night-time concerns, above all with a view in China. While OPEC+ is expected, the planned increase in forex is adjourning, but does not support. WTI is worth 1.6 percent of 69.20 dollars.


METALLE     zuletzt    Vortag   +/- %  +/- USD  % YTD 
Gold (Spot)   2.494,25   2.495,34   -0,0%   -1,10 +20,9% 
Silber (Spot)   28,25    28,33   -0,3%   -0,08 +18,8% 
Platin (Spot)   910,48    907,50   +0,3%   +2,98  -8,2% 
Kupfer-Future    4,03     4,02   +0,2%   +0,01  +2,2% 
YTD bezogen auf Schlusskurs des Vortags 

Gold stabilizes, the value of the US dollar, sinks the market and the financial bed of the economy. The price for the Feinunze is ​​0.1 Perzent at 2,494 Dollar.



The business activities in the US have been through a bank of the US-Notenbank and are simply found. In the event that the economic capacity is low, it is called the Beige Book of the Fed. The number of districts, the a stagnant or disruptive active activity, can do a favor in the current period or a new impulse in the operation of the Zeitraum. The level of civilization is set stable. Combined, they are reported, if only necessary positions are occupied, working times and periods are reduced or the overall civilization is disrupted by fluctuation. Reports on the content are only some of the were. Make sure that you make the modest expenses that a working force has produced. In the course of personal fluctuation we will put some things under pressure, Löhne and Gehälter zu erhöhen. The prices are slightly increased in the reporting period. If you press the button, you have to stabilize the costs and costs of the costs in the coming years or even more abschwächen.


The Japanese nut bank has set its sights on an interest rate study by Takata, which is positive about the trends that are the best trends. “Ich glaube, es is notwendig, the gang is still just a little bit, a degree of the monetary policy agreement that we are going to use, and therefore a world with meaning to buy,” Takata said.


BIP 2Q revised -0.2% (previously: -0.2%) gg Vorquartal

BIP 2Q revised +2.3% (previously: +2.3%) gg Vorjahr


Verbraucherpreise Aug +3.3% gg Vorjahr (PROG +3.6%)

Verbraucherpreise Kernrate Aug +2.6% gg Vorjahr


will restlichen Anteile und S Immo übernehmen die. The Unternehmen have combined the start-up company Verhandlungen with the Mutter CPI Property Group. Derzeit hält Immofinanz 50.60 Prozent an S Immo, CPI Property direct beef 38.37 Prozent. It may be that there is an “angemessenen Marktpreis”.


how Jeep production of the best-selling American models was discontinued. The work has begun in the passage of the SUV Jeep Wrangler and Grand Cherokee, with the most attractive people. In one of the best factories of the Muttergesellschaft of Jeep “Production adjustments” in two Assembly works in Detroit, in the Grand Cherokee reworked world, and in another work in Toledo, where Wrangler produced the world. Who is still up to date, can no longer be celebrated. The production products come from a certain time, in the Stellantis with the high bearing stocks of the industry that has been marketed and sales have sunk.


Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) hat in its own managed department of a rising demand for AI server profitable. Umsatz and some other registration criteria trump the own soul of the company. The server repairer reports for the amount of a net amount of 512 million dollars or 38 US cents per share. In the comparable period of the past, HPE had earned 464 million dollars or 36 cents per share. Based on the basic agreement, the trading of the quarterly figures of 50 cents and the adoption of the factset consensus of 47 cents. An amount of 10 percent has ended up at 7.7 billion dollars and the analysts’ consensus has predicted the independence of 7.6 billion dollars in the future.


In the process a prefix in conjunction with his Baby Powder on Talcum-Basis opens up for a billion-dollar comparison. The US groups have spent a number of years with their wives, the behavior that the talc production of the Eierstock Krebs has yielded is 1 million on a 9 billion US dollar cattle, with the vertical persons represented.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 5, 2024 01:31 ET (05:31 GMT)

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