
New Series Captivates the Netflix Audience

New Series Captivates the Netflix Audience

A new drama series has appeared in the Netflix publication. Watch the series „Grey’s Anatomy“ fans who are working with the production at their expense.

Hospital series like “Grey’s Anatomy,” “Emergency Room,” and “Dr. House” are some of the most popular ways to get around the medical drama subgenre. If you’re going to get off the couch, you’ve got to be on the couch lately “Airless” (in original: „Respira“) a series for euch sein.

While it is currently in the Netflix charts previous production from Spain painted the Alltag in the fictional Krankenhaus Joaquín Sorolla in Valencia. The patients see that they are confronted with their herausforderungen: the strengthening of the patient*innen, a dry effort that the stress caused by emotional stress that causes most of the stress in the Wahnsinn. It is possible that other Krankenhaus series have a realistic Ansatz in Fokus here, the beroofsalltag can offer an authentic authentic price.

Entwickelt würde „Atemlos“ von Carlos Montero (“Elite”), the closest Guillermo J. Escribano (“Elite”), Pablo Paiz and Carlos Ruano (“Piscina”) also as Drehbuchautor fungierte. The eight episodes of the latest public relations were from Staffel die dabei von David Pinillos (“Invasor”) and Marta Font Pascual (“Crime Game”) set.

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The reactions to “Atemlos”

On Rotten Tomatoes, there is a lot of information about “Atemlos” vor, but in the Internet Movie Database (IMDb) there is a lot of information about the story behind it. 6.2 out of 10 stars for beef 690 Einträgen. If the first reaction to the Krankenhaus series had been like this:

jovicapiljak wrote:

“If you’ve read ‘Grey’s Anatomy’, you want to know that it is so. More or less all series, with more or more drama and a Spanish series, which is shown in Drama, Drama, Drama, Drama. When the time is over, the schauspieler is quickly a sign of spirit and manchmal muss ich mich daran erinnern, that (the Geschichte) is not real. “

serdoria wrote:

„I find (die Charaktere) glaubwürdiger as other Figures (aus other Seriesn), especially the American ones, both Ärzt*innen and Krankenschwestern as well as a 24-Stunden-Schicht immer perfectly frisiert and make-up since and die Patient*innen auch am Tag nach eenner schweren Operation in perfect Verfassung since. I hated Spaß.”

jesse-greathouse wrote:

“When power is small, it is long and dies on the smallest common people, from those who are in it. It is a question of a meal and one of the dishes that you want to eat, if you ask me. The people, who are increasingly spending more money in the machines, we are wütend power.”

If you’ve found a picture of “Atemlos”, you can stream the series another time with Sky’s entertainment package.

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