
Der Tag: Nach Hetzjagd mit Macheten: Zwei Männer in Berlin verurteilt

Der Tag: Nach Hetzjagd mit Macheten: Zwei Männer in Berlin verurteilt

The day
Nach Hetzjagd mit Macheten: Zwei Männer in Berlin verurteilt

To a Hetzjagd mit Maceten is an Asian wholesale market in Berlin-Lichtenberg since two Männer roads are jointly responsible for their personal responsibility. The Landgericht was sentenced to fines for jewelery for 29 and 36 years one year and six monthswho has a goal-oriented approach. Damit went to the judgment of the Forderungen der Staatsanwaltschaft von eineinhalb Jahren hinaus.

Background of Tat vom März that years long war was put a second time in the second group of people. One of the most important things that a part of the generic group does by hand Faust in the face and followed up with the signal Opfer anschließend. One of the Verfolgung begins with the pouring of people, bewaffnet mit four Machetes and a Holzlatte. They brought the prosecution to Boden and took action in the State Sanwaltschaft more up to 20 Zentimeter long Schnittverletzungen so. One of the Hilfe people who does one of the terrifying things with a Messer in the back will blow his lungs out. Both offers must be discussed in the Krankenhaus.