
They are proud and proud of 25 Years of Democracy in MV

They are proud and proud of 25 Years of Democracy in MV

After the investigation of the AfD and the BSW at the Landtagswahlen in Thuringia and Saxony, economic experts and associations warned against the engraving of followers, where the Wahlergebnisse for the Wirtschaftswachstum could work in both federal states. As soon as the Kommunalwahlen have started in June, the AfD will revive in Eastern Europe, a number of citizens will lose the fear of democracy.

“Ein Stützpunkt der Democratie”

A Verein, the democracy that continues through the years in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, is the RAA – Demokratie en Bildung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. This period of 25 years has become an anniversary and it is possible to understand all Mitarbeiterinnen and Mitarbeiters, the Vereinsmitglieder and all ehemalige Mitarbeiter and Mitarbeiterinnen are loaded.

Jana Michael, Offizielle Grußwort der Landesregierung überbrachte de Integrationsbeauftragte Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns, Jana Michael: “The Engagement of the RAA is a main view of a Stützpunkt der Demokratie and is for me a great Freude zhen, who is the RAA in MV for the Democracy, for the Zusammenhalt, for Zuversicht and Toleranz einsetzt. While the RAA projects called a young person an opportunity, they became democrats and that is no longer possible at that time,” said Jana Michael.

Since 1999, the RAA has had a role in the democracy image of young people and in the Australian and Western image of Lehrkräften, Erziehern und Sozialarbeitern. The intention is that all members of the Beratung von Schulen, Vereinen, Kommunalen Verwaltungen, Kommunalpolitikern and Ehrenamtlich Engagierten zu de Kernaufgaben des Vereins are concerned. In the 2000s, the RAA war had started with the first social organization in MV, the country-specific projects were right-wing extremismus.

Enge Zusammenarbeit mit Hochschulen en Stiftungen

2001, when we ignored the political problem of rising right-wing extremism in Eastern Germany, but accepted the mobile assessment team for democratic culture, in 2007 among the best, through regional financing of the country. The Konzeption die landesweiten und flächendeckenden Beratungsstruktur für Demokratieörderung entstand damals under Federführung der RAA und der Evangelische Akademie.

“We can look back on 25 years of heritage history,” said Geschäftsführer Christian Utpatel during the anniversaries. “The RAA is, as the central launching point in the political process of democracy and development in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, actively promoting and connecting the Federal and European Union. We will be working with a team with the most qualified experts, if I’m human, with Herzblut and with Blick op de grote Ganze.”

In the context of cooperation with the ministers, colleges and federal institutions, we are renaming the foundation of the German child and youth education or the Amadeu Antonio Stiftung, which has launched and expanded innovative projects and programs of the RAA for 25 years. If you want to know more about other people, the Geschichtswerkstatt „zeitlupe“, the film idea competition „Klappe gegen Rassismus“, the RAAbatz Medienwerkstatt, the Stipendienprogramm START, the Fachstellen für Mehrsprachigkeit in Kitas and for work with Roma, the project „perspektywa“, „Ein Quadratkilometer” Bildung“ or „Lernen durch Engagement“.

Heute MV-weit 50 Mitarbeiter im Einsatz

Neben der Hauptgeschäftsstelle in Waren concerns the RAA weitere Standorte in Anklam, in der Hansestadt and in Landkreis Rostock, in Neubrandenburg and in Schwerin. Heute work in the country 50 Employees and employees for the community, according to the quality of life of the Greifswalder Erziehungswissenschaftler Prof. Dr. Franz Prüß ist. The RAA financing itself is spent and is based on the financial projects of Stiftungen, Kommunen, Landkreisen, Bund, Land and der EU.