
Retro-Radeln: Die Klapprad-WM in Bayern

Retro-Radeln: Die Klapprad-WM in Bayern

Pfronten – Property that is now in Semmelnholen: the hits from the 60s and 70s. Zu kleine voor vernünftiges Radeln, met Rücktritt und ohne Gangschaltung, de Witz Figures des Bikegeschäfts. Also focused on the great Gaudi Rad Races in the Bavarian Alps and Diesem Wochenende: the Klapprad WM in Pfronten.

The regulations are strong: Reifengröße 20 Zoll, Baujahr zwischen 1960 und 1980, nur Originalteile including functional Klingel. The stretch: first after a kilometer, then after a kilometer higher on the high mountain, 640 meters in altitude with steep slopes of 20 meters.

“Machbar, tomorrow”

“Inhuman!” Stellt Markus (35) from Oy Nüchtern fest. There are Friends Moritz and Dennis with the Württembergian überredet, who enjoy Wand am Breitenberg in Angriff. Both of them didn’t know, that was what it was: “That’s all there is to it,” they said before they start in Pfronten.

Auch Werner (58), Felix (50), Veit (54) and Jochen (44) from Nürnberg versprühen Optimismus: “Machbar”, said Werner, “irgendwie”. Jochen has trained extra, a chance for a camp in the Klapprad title: “Eine Woche quer durch die Alpen, mitm Radl!”

"Where are we going to do it!" (from left): Werner, Felix, Veit and Jochen are extra angry from Nuremberg.
“Who’s going to get wires?” (left): Werner, Felix, Veit and Jochen are particularly angry from Nuremberg.
© Lutz Bäucker
“Who’s going to get wires?” (left): Werner, Felix, Veit and Jochen are particularly angry from Nuremberg.

by Lutz Bäucker


154 Klappräder is an English, round with artistic Fuchsschwanz am Lenker, other with Bierfäßchen auf dem Gepäckträger – the Strecke itself, at the high summer temperature, the muss were “fuelled” underneath.

The idea for future future mountain racing was held for 16 years. Organizer Bernhard Dinser: “Wouldn’t it be possible?!”, he said and grinned. There is no Prize, no Money, no Urkunde. Mitmachen is everything.

“Bei der Qualere am Berg sind alle gleich”

“Bei der Quälerei am Berg sind alle gleich”, says Markus, “that is true, where there was a meeting, it was for a job”. The Gleichmacher is a Fahrrader. Manche rostig direkt vom Dachboden, uder high glosspoliert op de internet or liebevoll gepflegt von Generation zu Generation weitererbt: “My Tochter steht auf das Ding”, erklärt Jochen, “aber noch brauch’ ich’s, zum Brötchenholen, jeden Sonntag.”

Klappräder fordern especially those Oberarmmuskeln, weiß Florian (44) from Bad Wurzach: “Und you must treten, treten, treten, that might ruin the Oberschenkel!”

Slowing down is forbidden

Then they enter the Pedale: Tamas and Luis weld their bodies, while the geschosse hunters at the frontener Leonhardskirchlein vorbei, the Zuschauer cheer, “Go, daddy, go!” Steht auf einem Transparent, Kuhglocken, Böllerschüsse, Polizeisirenen. De Reporter hetzen zur Breitenbergbahn, een Rechtzeitig oben am Ziel in 1510 Metern Höhe zu sein.

When the cabinets on the Internet are opened, the dramas of the flapping wheel spectacles are one of the endless twists that have disappeared into the air. The unwieldy bicycles demand their tribute.

Schon kurz nach dem Einstieg in die Wand practically jeder ab. Schieben ist angesagt, Tragen is strictly prohibited. The road is clear, the sun is growing, the air is becoming thinner, the Schweiß-flow. Oben auf der Hochalpe sitzen die Zuschauer im Schatten and schlürfen kühle Getränke: “That is not the case”, it is said, “with solitary Fahrrädern, unmöglich, ein Wahnsinn”.

Viel Zeit für das Bergpanorama und für Spekulationen bleibt nicht, kaal taucht tief enten de rst Klappradler am Waldrand auf: “Das gibt’s doch nicht!”, Begeistert sich een Dame en wilde sich de Schweiß von der Stirn.

This young sharer wins

“E-li-as! E-li-as! E-li-as!”, screamed a Trupp-junger Dirndlträgerinnen, the starting number 899 climbs the mountain high, a young man in control of the costs to control the soul. It is the new World Champion of Klappradler, Elias Keck from Weitnau in Oberallgäu, 21 years ago, with a dream, it is a dream that is as high as: “Das war echt hart”, japst der Champion, “once in a while I have achieved it”.

With a note: The new world master Elias Keck from Weitnau is coming to Breitenberg in his soul.
With a note: The new world master Elias Keck from Weitnau is coming to Breitenberg in his soul.
© Lutz Bäucker
With a note: The new world master Elias Keck from Weitnau is coming to Breitenberg in his soul.

by Lutz Bäucker


Anyway, as a professional cross-country skier Keck started for the TSV Buchenberg and how he got the director of national trainer Peter Schlickenrieder. The obligation: Keck conquers the Wall with a “fifty-fifty” combination of treten and schieben in less than a stunde!

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1915: Baumpflanzerinnen (also Kulturfrauen generated). The war war has not yet begun, but the Kriege will enter the fight. "So consider continuing to look over the years at the background of the 50-Pfennig-Münze der Kulturfrauen"heisst es dazu. The photo is taken by Ludwig Hirsch from Waldkirchen.

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This is the case with the Vizeweltmeister buchstäblich die Luft weg: Dietmar Müller from Missen in Oberallgäu is 52 and is still alive during Breitenberg: “I have my own eyes – I am always happy!”, he said with jubilation and he was Arm in Arm with Elias a kühles Beer drinking. Alcohol-free.