
Die Neue at the “Rosenheim Cops”: Sophia Schiller speaks of “unangeneehmen Hierarchien”

Die Neue at the “Rosenheim Cops”: Sophia Schiller speaks of “unangeneehmen Hierarchien”

Fans of “Die Rosenheim-Cops” often watch the new TV series. Ab Oktober diesessssssssss 24. Staffel des ZDF-Formats ausgestrahlt. It is a natural match with Marisa Burger, Max Müller or Dieter Fischer. Aber auch auf Neuzugang darf der treue “Rosenheim-Cops”-Zuschauer spannt seinnt…

“Rosenheim-Cops”-Neuzugang Sophia Schiller: Dare to believe in the absence of “Sturm der Liebe” schwer

Sophia Schiller, who has a name power as “Constanze von Thalheim” in “Sturm der Liebe”, is the new cast. Ready in Spring 2024, the Dreharbeiten zur 24. Staffel began – and Schiller can get some exciting details about their series, their new roles and their new colleagues.

Sophia Schiller has the power as "Constanze von Thalheim" bee "The power of love" a name. Going bald in a new Role at "The Rosenheim police officers" to be seen.
Sophia Schiller has the power as “Constanze von Thalheim” at “Sturm der Liebe” in a name. Kaal is seen in a new role at “Die Rosenheim-Cops”.
© imago / Future Image
Sophia Schiller has the power as “Constanze von Thalheim” at “Sturm der Liebe” in a name. Kaal is seen in a new role at “Die Rosenheim-Cops”.

from image / Future Image


AZ: Frau Schiller, Field Ihnen der Abschied von “Sturm der Liebe” schwer?
SOPHIA SCHILLER: Man hat yes bei fast jedem Abschied dieses classical weeping and laughing Auge. When “Sturm der Liebe” points me in the direction of the road, the team gives tips for the room. Ob man will also not: If a man is new to a set, the man will always be in the Kurzer Zeit zu a part of the “Film Family” – also a family, which can enjoy a Spas in its work, even if the man himself can enjoy it, If a man got into hers, he was known more from his own family. Ash always has similar contents. This war of war starts with my career, and thanks to, that’s what Teamgeist does with its konnte.

My role in “Sturm der Liebe” is separated from the role as a Kommissarin, who is in “Die Rosenheim-Cops”. Was it a friend or a girlfriend?
Auf den Neuanfang in sich: As a würde man, all possessions and experiences are a figure – who does not inherit someone who cares, struts, fühlt, hesitates, laughs and suffers. A man of power using such a text, with the playing partner, with the direction, with his own instinct, a role that has a purpose, is a way to play and play in his life. Manches muss man mühsam herausfiltern, manches ergibt sich von self, en manches muss man auf gut Glück hinzufügen and ausprobieren, ob es das Richtige ist. It is a matter of a bisschen and who of Alchemy – a man who is courteous on Goldstößt. Once you’re on your way, you want to be on the right path.

Sophia Schiller: “Those Rosenheim-Cops” are “not at all who are ersatz”

Do you think your new environment at “Die Rosenheim-Cops” could be the “Sturm der Liebe” cast of your life?
For my end of the Dreh at “Sturm der Liebe” during the summer of 2022. Deshalb is not planning to have a new Kapitel at all. A Kapitel, while the lustiger of the “alten Team” can be, can the two studios in the Bavarian Film Region practically not lie.

Who is Sophia Schiller in her new role in “Die Rosenheim-Cops”, by Kommissarin “Astrid Schubert”?
This question is one of the best things, I have found. A man must perform a turn and it is not that he plays a role or another role. Aber “Astrid Schubert” is grundsätzlich and not more as “Constanze von Thalheim”. If I have survived the frost, is “Astrid Schubert” and I have ever had a heart, it was a great time to live a life of its own, but the core is not so raum for verlet, but also for humor. In addition to the large numbers of new, all suspensions in the smallest detail, you can take a great grundlegende skeptical attitude of others, but also larger amounts of money in the game.

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“Die Rosenheim-Cops” – Neuzugang Sophia Schiller spoke of “unangeneehmen Hierarchien”

Was his time at “Sturm der Liebe” with “Die Rosenheim-Cops” such a great power – as a role model and room attendant?
Everything for the story is fun! As a film maker our attention is, the shifting of the human, the movement of the human. If the device, which is organized by the Schaffen, is used, many changes and possibilities can arise, which can break one of those things. Suddenly one pursues one’s own useful soul, as one your vanguard or sich eingesthen mage. Imagine that you have a hierarchical organization, which can use a company or the spa-vermiesen. That has my opinion after no place on the set. It should be extravagant for no one. Everyone can imagine themselves in the service of the story, but the story functions.

The threat to the 24. Staffel of “Die Rosenheim-Cops” has begun in the Frühjahr: Gab es schon einprägsame and beondere Momente mit Ihren new Kollegen?
Yes, in the fall. My absolute moment of war, when I’m busy with Dieter Fischer and Max Müller for a few minutes on the technique of the technique, I’ll take the time with a triple version of “Veronika der Lenz ist da” (by Comedian Harmonists) eh die Ohren schlugen. The ohrwurm is available the rest of the week.

Information for the Offerer Instagram about the Consent-Anbieter refuses

“Rosenheim-Cops” -Neuzugang Sophia Schiller “will be allowed” and “no one will steal the Kopf”

What about the question, who are the “Rosenheim Cops” fans we have received?
Of course, every one will still be – I am not an Ausnahme. The “Rosenheim-Cops” took a big flight years ago and played the public, and it can no longer be hofen, that no one stands in front of the head. I often think that it is a new figure that can make another figure, but that will take longer. Here a warning can be given: Commissioner “Astrid Schubert” does not intend to give an urgent order! If you know now, can it be that they are some sympathetic person?

They sing and sing the front fraud of the band Fia Sco & The Majestics. Would you like to have more fun musically?
You can see everything differently: I am on stage at 17 years old and have sung mal mit and mal ohne Band. First then I found my way to Schauspielstudium and Mozarteum Salzburg. The music has never been as good as with my band as a soloist and moderator in the variation with the Wiener Company “Cirque Rouge” on. My headquarters is a place where I can see the Schauspiel, it is on stage or in the room.

Is it a good private or robbed May holiday, which you might be able to use in the coming years?
Yes, that gift is. I would like to play a role as “Laura Berger” in the erfgreichen zweiten Staffel of the Sky-Series “DER PASS” which penetrates into Austria and plays a role with dialect or something like that in an English-speaking project. All journeys with ambivalent figures, if that was the case, were called a halt, after the treatment had gone in an absolute broader direction – the fascination for an image that plays out, where is a trauma! Abseits des Spielens have in the last three years more and more ideas for own Drehbücher and Konzepte, which are no longer politely bald in the Schublade-wohnen, will be realized in the absehbarer Zukunft. If you are free from the fact that you are a leader, nor do you betray anything… I am private with my Italian learning – man is not, man wants to brauchen the Sprache!