
Handball – Historical Start for the Jags

Handball – Historical Start for the Jags

Hard – roomz JAGS Arrival 28:28 (14:17). The Siege is a war. A war is a historical event for the Jags. While the Bad Vöslauer team managed to secure another point in the top division. A meeting with the 28:28 Remis in Vorarlberg at the debut of Neo-Trainer Sebastià Salvat. “The game was absolutely in order. The first half of the war is good”, warmed Jags sports director Thomas Schartel.

While the Bad Vöslauer plays a game, there were no nerves and a big chest in the game. “We knew we could stay. That really shocked us”, Schartel thought. The game started on the augenhöhe until the Vöslauer started in Minute 18 and was played with a 17:14 hour in the half time.

Schartel: “Stimmung is überragend”

“Nach der Pause hatten wir aber een Schwächephase, wo Hard konzentrierter played hat“, führte Schartel aus, der in weitererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererre folge arlerer auf Augenhöhe and oneer directen schlagabtausch sah, “with light foreboding for us, esthätte aber in both directions could be hennen .“ So the Vöslauer bei both Kontern the Chance of the Sieg, alldings hatte Hard in the last Sekunden ebenfalls nor the Chance of the Sieg. ‘Insofern war is okay and good for our insecure Psyche. “The Burschen sind extrem gut drauf, die Stimmung überragend”, Schartel summarized.

ALPLA HC Hard vs. roomz JAGS Vöslau 28:28 (14:17)
Werfer ALPLA HC Hard: Karolis Antanavicius (7), Luca Raschle (5), Ivan Horvat (5), Lukas Fritsch (4), Lennio Sgonc (4), Ante Tokic (4), Robin Lürzer (1), Dejan Babic (1)
Werfer roomz JAGS Vöslau: Jonas Dell (9), Julian Riedner (6), Rapahel Muck (6), Fabian Posch (5), Jan Kovacec (3), Fabian Schartel (2), Marian Teubert (2), Philip Schuster (1), Ole- Gunnar Steinhagen (1), Moritz Doblhoff-Dier (1), Richard Wöss (1), Romas Kirveliavicius (1)