
Taubentransporter from the Saarland as an export ship

Taubentransporter from the Saarland as an export ship

Status: 10.08.2024 16:03

In Germany it is one of the main reasons why internationally the Taubenzucht-dagegen is widely spread. The Züchter brauchen for the appropriate Transporter, and the money in Saarland.

More large halls, in the history and gebohrt wird – an Anhängern and large Transportern. Anyway, so unspectacular. That freight, that damned carrier became like this, is a very special thing: Brieftauben. The family entrepreneurs Geraldy from the Saarland have been specializing in construction for 30 years.

In Germany the Taubensport war is less popular. After the Association of Deutscher Brieftaubenzüchter, this is the case since 28,000 Züchter – etwa half so fell for 30 years. “Der Taubensport wird aber weltweit betrieben,” says Dagmar Geraldy, the co-chief of the family nunternehmens.

International world Always strive for faith

Belgium is gilded as Mutterland des Sports. Internationally, the Züchten von Tauben continued to gain credibility. Dubai, USA, Australia: Zahl von Züchtern is waking up everywhere. Gerade in Ländern wie Rumänien, Ungarn of Polen züchten nach Angaben von Geraldy fell young Menschen Tauben. The production is carried out by schwerpunktmäßig für den Weltmarkt.

The company introduced Taubentransporter in unterschiedlichen Größen her. In the smallest Anhänger passenger cattle 100 Tauben. I am a large customer at 8.000 Vögel Platz. 60 to 70 Transporter were built pro Jahr. Gerade for the large model that Geschäftsführer Klaus Geraldy has developed a real innovation – the sogenannten Reihenstart: “Dadurch was the Tauben schender rausgelassen as a classic mass start. Damit landet keine Taube am Boden.”

Cleaner Transport, Cleaner Start: Tauben is the intestine in the Transportern von Geraldy.

Tauben flies up to 700 kilometers in Wettkämpfen

An auflage – also the start of the brieftauben – is for Züchter every time a highlight. 50 to 700 kilometers can be reached by the birds in competitions. If Geraldy starts with the large dimensions of plexiglass plates, which are verbal in the large transport and the long term, one of the following things can be done. You are familiar with the transport and the start, so the speed of the flight is higher.

The Geraldy’s have been doing the tadpole sport themselves for years and have used this know-how for their business. They are made in Schmelz and his sport is a well-known brand. “If you are in the world, on holiday or ever, meet a letter tadpole seeker, you ask Geraldy. It would be unknown to us”, said Dagmar Geraldy.

Royal Kundschaft: Auch der Scheich von Dubai has a Taubentransporter from the Saarland.

Royale Kundschaft vertraut auf saarländische Pig transporter

Ihr guter Ruf reicht sogar bis in Königshäuser. Zum 50. Thronjubiläum of Queen Elizabeth II. order the Königin a Taubentransporter. The Geraldys themselves were among the first to make a confrontation with the king.

Anders said he was the Sheep of Dubai. Go to the mountain of the transporters and take pictures in front of one of the best hotels in the world. “We stood with the Sheep on the bridge in front of the Burj-al-Arab-Hotel. The stewardess has the power in front of the lean run”, explains Klaus Geraldy was in the photo of the great enterprise force. To see: Geraldy, the Sheep of Dubai, a larger Taubentransporter and in the background the Burj al Arab. “The war in the street was almost blocked, but with the photography it was fruitful. The war is of course a one-off event.”

Taubentransporter is not a mass product, but the family business has supplied a minimum quantity of 30 pieces. In Diesem Bereich Geraldy from Schmelz is his own Angaben Weltmarktführer. Zwar proposes you to back-up sales vehicles and pferdeanhänger her, beef 60 Prozent des Umsatzes aber Kracht Geraldy with Taubentransportern.