
Nachtschwärmer versus Anrainer: Kultur der gemischten Gefühle in Mödling

Nachtschwärmer versus Anrainer: Kultur der gemischten Gefühle in Mödling

BEZIRK MÖDLING. Der summer is nun vorbei, Pflicht wie Schule und Job Rufen wieder. The big difference is that it has become one of the few common forms of life in leisure time. In the Museumspark das Weinfest, on the Hyrtlplatz Silent Cinema or on the Kirchenplatz of St. Othmar das Sommertheater, in the Wiener Theater Casanova. Letzteres hat jedoch nicht nur Zuspruch foutahren.

Who wants to be played for a long time?

The generation of the playing of the platzes lasts until 22:30 and is a bit overwritten. It is a discussion about the cultural city Stephan Schimanowa who states: “We are cabaret with TV display that needs the generic time to change the representations of Anrainern. At the same time it is criticized that the cabaret gastronomy is already closed from this foundation at 22:30. As a cultural city council it is my intention to experience the city with many representations – also outdoors. If it does not work anymore, it will not take long before the work and the own activities are sabotaged. Then we will suddenly end up as a pure sleeping city.”

It is not the case that good financing is created.
Viki L.: „It is important to people that they are happy to come and have fun at 10 p.m. Es gibt Kranke, die Ruhe brauchen. I am in love with the life of the city, with a clear view. The game ceases to be long and the game of the Anrainer is an end to the wollend.”

Different as the Mödlinger Sommertheater Krachte der Trupp des Casanovas von Verstärkern Gebrauch, which fell as Lärmbelästigung empfanden. “Were we able to provide more information about the future, since we were able to update our plans, we were able to make it happen,” said Geli and Elisabeth P. ergänzte noch: “10:30 p.m. is actually long, as it appears at 10:00 p.m. . Now weil der ORF was will, wird de Zeit überzogen. I am da spalten, it is a limit. I would dare in Mödling auch nicht 50 fahren, wenn 40 erlaubt ist.”

It is a great place to see the Weinfest in the Museumpark if Aufreger is here. Here a first attempt to play music would last until 24:00. Gabi M. „Wie läuft das dann beim Weinfest? I am sure that the music on the balcony could last until 23 o’clock or 23 o’clock or longer, and that it is not possible to play in the museumpark.“

Eine Lehre für das kommende Jahr schloss jedoch Neu-Bürgermeister Michael Danzinger: “The Veranstaltungen has begun from the beginning, the Lautstärke must be leise sein and the Anzahl der Vorstellungen reduced.”