
Question: Who is interested in the Libraries? – News

Question: Who is interested in the Libraries? – News

September 5, 2024

Gemeinsam mit dem ehemaligen Director of the Leipzig University Library, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Johannes Schneider, is the founder of the Goethe Society Altenburg e. V. am 9. September 2024 met de Bedeutung von Öffentlichkeit für Libraries als Orte der Bildung und Selbstbildung.

Libraries, which are all offensive, are in the history of the question of how they came into being. From 19. Years were planned and on 20. Years became bigger, which was good. Selbst Goethe regt as Oberaufseher der Herzoglichen Bibliothek in Weimar by a research in a Bildungsinstituut, which could become a civil company. Were the available libraries suitable for all applications? Selbst for the “Public Libraries” in the USA and in Great Britain is never worth gold.

Ulrich Johannes Schneider founded the History of “Modern Libraries”, also individual Einrichtungen, which were founded for the great Nutzung gebaut und Wurden. As a Fellow at Thomas Mann House in Pacific Palisades 2022, he was able to intensify and focus his research into American libraries. Seine gesammelten Erkenntnisse fließen in de Vortrag “Wie öffentlich sind öffentliche Libraries?” auf Einladung der Goethe Gesellschaft Altenburg e. V. am 9. September um 18 Uhr im Interim des Lindenau-Museums „Kunstgasse 1“ end.

Ulrich Johannes Schneider lectures at the Institute for Cultural Studies of the University of Leipzig. Der Verein Freut sich auf rege Teilnahme und Diskussion. The end ride is free. More information and contact the representative at:

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Montag, September 9, 2024, 6 p.m

Vortrag: Who is interested in the Libraries?

With Prof. Dr. Ulrich Johannes Schneider, former director of the Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig