
Criticism “weren im Unrecht”: Transgender-Läuferin Petrillo does not run to Unmut

Criticism “weren im Unrecht”: Transgender-Läuferin Petrillo does not run to Unmut

Criticism of “were in injustice”
Transgender Runner Petrillo Doesn’t Want to Participate Anymore

Your start during the Paralympic Games is organized for the preparation. Although Valentina Petrillo has long been a man, his teammate is a sprint competitor. Also a German competitor has a double – then but German faster. The Italian sees a medal, is a proud supporter, who says his ntv interview.

Valentina Petrillo is a wonderful Medal. It is a great trauma with the events at the Paralympic Games in Paris. “It is a war – with the 80,000 people here in the stadium and all, that have arisen. Here barriers were overcome. Here Träume true”, said ntv/RTL in an interview.

Because it is all, the Olympic motto is gilded for the 51-year Italian war – with the Petrillos qualification for the 200 meters and the 400 meters war at an end. If you have a tall man and if he has a few years of better legality, then your Transition is full-sucked hat.

Since January 2019, Petrillo has started hormone therapy. Your test results are now the best of one of the best heirs, who go to the rules of the International Paralympic Committees (IPC) during the Paralympic Games. Otherwise was at the Leichtathletik-Weltverband der Nicht-Behinderten. A Durcheinander, this is not the case. Andrew Parsons, chairman of the IPC, said that the rules work “for the time being”. There is a “unique” loss, the effect of a “BBC” interview and a meeting with Petrillo in Paris will take place. Finally, the Paralympics are a clash for inclusion.

Deutsche sieht Petrillos Start critically

The charge for Petrillos Teilnahme am Sprint aber war groß. The German sports association behind the sport first started with an internal meeting, a way to position itself. Delegation leader Karl Quade noted: “Works to combat the first separation of the international context, then the Zukunft aber klare Regeln – World Athletic die Regeln, Para-Athletic nicht.” The ARD “Sportschau” specializes in the German Behindertensportverband and has “great expertise in dealing with minorities”. If you feel you have a “tagtäglich für de Wirklichung ihrer Rechte in.” Aber: “Die Freiheit Einzelner darf nicht zu einer Benachteiligung other führen.”

It is no longer the case: Weil Petrillo is qualified, but must have another Italian in his sister. Some of the Australian cuisine can be unclear. “Basically everyone should live like this every day, who is well-informed. In performance sports I find it difficult, though”, said Katrin Müller-Rottgardt on “Bild”. The German war in their own starting class T12 of the Sehbeeinträchtigten at the start. Petrillo has “long watched and trained as a man, that he is in the room, that the other things are different when you come mandem, as a woman zur Welt. They can have so with advantages.”

The insight is clear: Petrillo did not sprint for a medal, again over 400 meters, nor over 200 meters. The semi-final of the kürzere Strecke is on the list with Müller-Rottgart, the German war 0.77 Sekunden faster as Petrillo. The Italian woman said that on TV/RTL in the interview: “I have had an Italian record. My half-final over 200 meters is a matter of time, because I am a man, I am unjust. “

Son Lorenzo in Paris dabei

During the 14-year war, Petrillo was diagnosed with severe mental illness Morbus Stargardt, with a significant loss of self-esteem. See concrete information on ntv/RTL: “I personally experience two arts of discrimination: as a human being with a background and as a transgender woman. I am also a person who is always alive.” This is why the games in Paris have such a great commitment. “I hate the Ehrgeiz, the Vorbild zu sein, mir als Transgender-Person gefehlt hat. Und ich glaube, das habe ich geschafft. My Botschaft ist: Lass dich nicht unterkriegen, was auch immer passionrt. Gib nicht auf, glaub daran, if you’ve been given a little bit of a chance, if you’ve got a fear, if you’ve known everything, it’s a matter of what you can do.”

In 2016, a transsexual athlete competed in the Para-discus competition in Rio de Janeiro with the Dutchwoman Ingrid van Kranen. At the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris, ​​​​the boxing competition of Imane Khelif from Algeria and Lin Yi-ting from Taiwan will be in Blickpunkt. The discussions were about the question of the sporting fair competition, which caused a major political crisis. In the socially politically heated mood, both athletes experienced some arguments on the Internet. The International Olympic Committee started the fight, but no tests have yet been carried out by the International Boxing Association as a “random selection of a few competitors” and a lie by Khelif and Lin.

Petrillo is entitled to a low end. “I am a Transgender Father and have immer die Schuld dafür gegeben, that I am so bin, wie ich bin. That I immer noch. Aber Sport hilft mir, das zu überwinden,” he said ntv/RTL. And the discovery of Sohn Lorenzo is here in Paris: “My Sohn and my Ex-Frau are here. Yes, it is the leader so, we have our separation. Aber sie ist here. And I am happy, that is my Sohn Stolz machen konnte, that is the most important.”