
Mr. Wegner, more problems were not solved

Mr. Wegner, more problems were not solved

By Gunnar Schupelius

When there is a decision or an assignment in the city, no one will make a separation for the Zukunft that wants to hit. Your bigger problem is that it lies longer.

Man knows his private life: the problem, that the man has no loose hat, makes the man lie, in the Hoffnung, that he ends up in the Luft air stream.

It was a fact that the Berlin Senate, as SPD, Grüne and Linke, were neither in Ruder. Other things are the federation of the CDU, but it seems that this is not the case. If you use a piece of furniture for this standstill, there is a position of power.

Berlin Regierender Bürgermeister Kai Wegner (CDU)

Berlin Regierender Bürgermeister Kai Wegner (CDU) Photo: Jörg Carstensen/dpa

First: The International Congress Center Berlin (ICC). This prominent building was declared in 2004 for the restructuring disaster and closed in 2014, also for six years. The senator who was such an investor, who would accept part of the restructuring of the ICC, was one of the most important decisions of the ICC under the protection of thought. Now no finger rests anymore, the Klotz with the dirty aluminum facade with its ruin.

Twos: Tempelhof Airport was closed 16 years ago. For the benefit of the legitimate use it is still not a bad plan. If no more repairs are carried out, while more asylum seekers are not processed, the flight is not good.

Dritten: At Checkpoint Charlie, everything is fine. People know that there are a lot of tourists who are dortauchen. They don’t find much more than a few sandbags and a branch of Kentucky Fried Chicken. For 34 years, the Senate will design the legendary border crossing as a monument to the division, nothing has happened.

The famous Grenzübergang Checkpoint Charlie

The famous Grenzübergang Checkpoint Charlie Photo: Jens Kalaene/dpa

Fourteenth: The Teufelsberg with the white flagstones was founded in 1996 by an investment group with a hotel, exclusive apartments, conference centre. Before 20 years the senate was a construction bot, the Gelände was neglected.

Number: The Breitscheidplatz is closed after the terrorist attack in December 2016 so that Cars and Lkw can no longer buy on the Platz. This period of the Senate and the District Office Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf lasts eight years, or very. It is possible that the lead times of the journey are determined and that the Ort der City-West goes a step further.

67 Solcher Lkw-Blocks stehen since 2018 at Breitscheidplatz

67 Solcher Lkw-Blocks stehen since 2018 at Breitscheidplatz Photo: STEFANIE HERBST

Hexagon: For the “Dragoner-Areal” in the Mehringdamm the investor has made a big beautiful investment. For eight years the Senate played in the Rückkauf this Nachkriegs-Brache in the best Innenstadtlage. Seitdem remembers there Stillstand.

Say: The “Freedom and Unity Monument” and the “Einheitswippe” appeared in front of Schloss Stehen in 2019, but it has never been like this before.

Überall Stillstand, no idea, no strategy, no Zukunft.

The Berlin Senate, under the leadership of Kai Wegner (CDU), is not in the Low, in large and large fragments of the knots in the course of time. It is not that it is so white that the Image Campaign continues. It can now weep. Or do you want to laugh about that unfakeit? Laughing is better than weeping.

Hat Gunnar Schupelius right? Contact: [email protected]

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