
Dax explains more clearly – Deutsche Bank vorn

Frankfurter Börse, über dts NachrichtenagenturIf the Thursday has used the Dax relief, it is not possible to stop the Days spread in Plus. At the Xetra trade conclusion, the index was reached by 18,596 points, a Plus in High of few points in comparison to the turnaround. “The closing sales after the heavy weekly supply remain out and the German Stock Index can have a greater value of the 18,500 stabilizing points”, commented Konstantin Oldenburger, Market Analyst at CMC Markets. “The story starts with the US American market data on the American market, but there are still few people who can make an agreement with each other.”

It is all so that a fragment of the American trade market of the American economy is one of the first to swing the Wirtschaft into a recession. “With the bad news four weeks ago, the necessary conditions of the so-called Sahm rule were fulfilled.” This indicator has all the assessments in the US as the last part of the world wars that the market analyst brings with him. “However, one of the few of the Rule is given, although the rising unemployment rate at a small pace at the new institutions, is a cousin at a higher pace at the Entlassungen. It is also possible that the US economy is still not being watched, while the number of workers on a trip or the trend turnaround after the pandemic and everything that the unemployment rate establishes, says Oldenburger. Our business is at the Bayer stocks of the Deutsche Bank paper and the Spitze of the Kurslist. The credit institute has given the creditworthiness of the post bank a different shape. Das Schlusslicht in Frankfurt shows the stocks of Rheinmetall, Brenntag and Symrise. Part of the Gasspreis: a megawatt current (MWh) of gas for a price of 37 euros in October and a yield more if I Vortag. It implies a Sales price from less than eight to six cents per Kilowatt hour (kWh) including Nebenkosten and Steuern, sollte das Preisstijl dauerhaft so bleiben. The price is determined for a German translation: Ein Fass der Nordsee-Sorte Brent kostente am Donnerstagnachmittag gegen 17 Uhr deutscher Zeit 73.66 US-Dollar, that was 96 Cent or 1.3 Prozent more as am Schluss des previous Handelstags. It implies a sales price of less than eight to six cents per kilowatt hour (kWh) including Nebenkosten and Steuern, so that the price level remains unchanged. The European Gemeinschaftswährung war in the Donnerstagnachmittag was striking: one euro costs 1.1085 US dollars, a dollar war is paid out for 0.9021 euros.

Photo: Frankfurter Börse, über dts Nachrichtenagentur