
Landrat stretches manliche Dienstbezeichnung aus Vorschrift

Landrat stretches manliche Dienstbezeichnung aus Vorschrift

General feminine

Landrat stretches manliche Dienstbezeichnung aus Vorschrift

Current on 05.09.2024 – 17:26 UhrReading time: 2 min.

image images 0757287168Enlargement of the imagesLandratsamt (Symbolbild): In een überarbeiteten internen Verwaltungsvorschrift nutzt der Landkreis Rotenburg (Wümme) allein weibliche Dienstbezeichnungen. (Source: IMAGO/Grant Hubbs/imago)

A star, an unterstrich or maybe a double point? Whoever can make a more honest statement can debate this. The district of Rotenburg is now choosing an unwonted path.

For more judicial legal matters, the Landkreis Rotenburg (Wümme) has been established in an internal administrative regulation on a wives’ service designation. In concrete terms, a general service and management organization of the district administration is arranged in the writing and writing books of the service companies for all Mitarbeiterinnen and Mitarbeiter, such as a Landkreissprecherin.

In one of the most recent versions, which is a gilded version of Anfang Oktober, it is not the case that the general maskulinum, the feminine, is also used in the few endungen. Etwa sei statt today nown durchgehen von de Dezernentin die Rede, the Behördensprecherin continued. Add a message to the NDR.

Landrat: Unbehagen bei door durchgehend manlichen Schreibweisen

The initiative of Landrat Marco Prietz aus. “If I offend myself, the whole issue of the American elections in the year 2024 is a fact that the CDU police went on the dpa attack. In the Kreisverwaltung, the passing of the years takes place a fortune in the Equalization of men and women. Three out of four December were led by women, the more than 1,100 beneficiaries are women, it said.

If a gender star or other sign is also used by the district for better accessibility, only a joint in the document will be used, the district council will continue with it. “It is not that the judge has the right to a barrier arm, the lightest statement, the intuitive person is probably like that,” says Prietz.

An editor begins to write a book, which does the whole translation of the simple description of all the writing and writing operations – when you are in the drawing book, the country is remade.

“Meine Entscheidung war as unconventioneller Ansatz in der emotional charges, zum Teil durch Hass poisoneten Gender-Debate thought,” said the CDU politician. A message that you see when the Landrat Mitte August tells on Instagram is not positive Rückmeldungen laut Prietz auch insults Hass hervor. “Insgesamt bleiben die Rückmeldungen aber überwiegend wohllend, insbesondere innerhalb of Belegschaft.”

The state women’s council in Lower Saxony begged the Prince as unpronounceable. “Man can consider the feminine woman as an adversity, as a justice after a century of the generic maskulinum. He can notice his men and feel after them, who is, when ‘Mann’ with me ist”, said the previous Barbara Hartung dem NDR . “As a general rule this would not be possible. If you speak a safe right, women and men will look at it.”

If you are in the service, the district administration of the Sprachgebrauch of the Behörde is not changing. The written translation or writing of hamburgers and burgers is no longer possible on the website or in social networks. “All with the old history, which would go”, said the district speaker.