
Umfassende Beratung: Neues Angebot im Healthover MED Gmünd

Umfassende Beratung: Neues Angebot im Healthover MED Gmünd

The Gesundheitszentrum Healthacross MED Gmünd is a new Beratungs bot. Damit is bound to become a health care issue.

GMÜND/ST. PÖLTEN. Lower Austria would have helped a European Union in the border-crossing health care through the narrow cooperation with the national states. The Healthacross MED Gmünd, in such a case that many of the star-reichisch patients are treated, is a reusable policy for the next care in health care abroad and in the region of the region.

Advice & Language

There are new patient experiences in healthcare across the MED community, thanks to a new treatment of the disease, which is conducted directly in the healthcare center to inform your treatment in Austria and in the Czech Republic.

Das Healthover MED Gmünd in der Bleylebenstraße. | Photo: Archive/LGA

When patients with herausforderungen encounter a confrontation or an unsafe situation, whoever or however their treatment is handled, it may be that Marketa Ficalova goes to his page. If you are involved in coordination and management of the business operations, you can call on the management of the social management: your service from 2 to 4 pm you can offer the hamburger from the border region in the region a regular court dish These are social analyzes and other informative information. While the renamed loading is carried out as well as possible, the bed of the human in the border region is optimally utilized.

“Our soul is that all patients and patients in Lower Austria are guaranteed the best medical care. The financing of the border care is a significant step towards the development of the regional health care system,”

together with Landesrat Ludwig Schleritzko. In the areas of the border region, the use of the available resources of both the border region and a residential area and rapid medical care for patients are underexposed.

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Regional Health Care Benefits are ausgebaut

5,500 Patients-Kontakte pro Monat im Healthover MED Gmünd