
Page Speed ​​- Is the Website That Good?

Page Speed ​​- Is the Website That Good?

On a website, you can click as fast as possible: you can click and see the page. An active view of the Forbes advisor said that the speed of the website (page speed) has become and that half of the notes do not last longer than eight seconds on a loaded page. This knowledge is not important, what is that, the website is optimized for optimal business management, one of the most useful things to bind and hinder, which as the konkurrenz turn.

How patient are the Nutzers?
The Forbes Advisor Umfrage 2024, when the 2,000 years ago were fragmented in the US, was a nice example of a long listing that was on a loaded website:

  • Weniger als 3 Securen: 4% der Befragten
  • 3 to 6 seconds: 29%
  • 7 to 10 seconds: 38%
  • More than 11 seconds: 24%

These statistics indicate that 48% of notes are published on a website if the load is longer than 8 seconds. If that is the case, then it is quickly the case that half of the potential souls Zielgruppe along the way lost Load times lost gehen könnte.

What is more interesting is that the Umfrage plays a role here, the Benutzer Verzögerungen at Marken wie Amazone verzeihen, here Vertrauen and Vertrautheit a Rolle voor de Geduld der Benutzer spielen. When websites are used, it is possible to create a separate company. Benutzer bleiben weniger wahrscheinlich on the Website, when the Erfahrung nicht reibungslos verläuft.

Warum Geschwindigkeit wich is: Die Folgen einer langsamen Webseite
The effects of a long-loaded website are no longer the frustration of users. If you want to get your house from another country, you can get a high summary of one of the damaged Ruf.

Useful heritage and binding:
If a website is loaded on a long term, the page is viewed, before it is fully loaded, the summary of the content was higher. It is never the case that the Validity of Conversions is still negative on the Validity of Your Mark by the User out. A long-term website can be with the Users in the hinterland of Eindruck, that your externals are veraltet or unreliable ist.

Considerations for such machining optimization:
Google sees a long time about the bedtime of loading, for everything for a crawling and a useful nutzererfahrung. The Ladezeit is not one of the only factors that the automatic optimization of such machines considers as a separate factor. Along the same websites you can get into such rankings, where you can find your potential customers. It is a fact that the website websites have a higher ranking, more possibilities and more conversions.

Website optimization for Geschwindigkeit
The risk of optimizing the loading time of the website is unparalleled. Fortunately, there are more guarded changes that you can expect, a particular website will be adjusted.

Tips for quick loading times:

  • Minimal HTTP file: Reduce the number of elements on the page, such as images, scripts and CSS data, one of the loading times you have viewed.
  • Optimized Photos: Compressed photos with high-quality photos, a date display that you can reduce.
  • Use browser caching: Enable caching, some local data in the browser of the browser, but it is not that this page is no longer loaded.
  • Reduce server response times: Please check if the server is optimized and can be quickly updated.
  • Implementation of Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): Shared deployment of CDNs on more server world, a distance between the users and the data-thin website to reduce.

Webpage Testing Speed ​​– Tools and Resources:

There are several tools available, with the ability to define and broaden the website. Google PageSpeed ​​​​Insights and GT-metrix are reliable options, the detailed messages on the website of the website and the many views that are sweet.

Title image: Screenshot Google Page speed