
Ramboll erwirbt Health Science Beratung SCC und erweitert Kompetenz für Productsicherheit und Regulatorik (PHOTO) Seite 1

Ramboll erwirbt Health Science Beratung SCC und erweitert Kompetenz für Productsicherheit und Regulatorik (PHOTO) Seite 1

Bad Kreuznach/Copenhagen (ots) – The SCC Scientific Consulting Company is ab
sofort Teil der Ingenieur-, Architektur- und Managementberatung Ramboll. Die 160
Mitarbeitenden von SCC were Teil von Rambolls Bereich Umwelt und Gesundheit
and a great deal of expertise in the health sciences, especially
Agrochemistry and Biorationals, Biozides, Industrial Chemistry and
Medical products. With my joint effort Ramboll and SCC a
Play a role in the European market for products and
regulatory matters an. Gemeinsam ermöglichen sie Kunden,
right of life and the persistent zest for life, which is biological
Protect against bad weather and natural remedies.

Ramboll, an international engineering, architecture and management company,
Start studying health sciences through SCC’s strategic analysis.
The SCC Scientific Consulting Company is with 160 employees
large private and unabhängigen beratungsunternehmen in Bereich Regulatorik
and Product Safety in Europe. Mit Hauptsitz in Deutschland and
Lower releases in Japan and Great Britain support SCC in the world of customers
at the Registrierung von Agrochemikalien, Bioziden, Chemikalien, Medizin- und
other products, there are some interesting products that you can buy.
With the overall influence of Ramboll now more than 340 experts, who are in the
diverse Health Sciences Disziplines tätig sind.

The strategic Übernahme stärkt Rambolls Position in der agrochemical,
chemical and pharmaceutical industry. Gerade the agrochemical Industry
Steht action for the recovery, healthy Nahrungsmittel and Products for
an interesting description of the description and assessment of the biological
Landfill and natural resources for shelters.

“We welcome you, the Experts and Experts from SCC at Ramboll understand
zu können,” said Dr. Martina Vosteen, Global Division Director Health Sciences at
Ramboll. “Indem wir Rambolls globale Reichweite und die kostenlose
Expertise provides health sciences teams with the most supervisors
Connecting knowledge of SCC can be best achieved in complexes
Approval processes and the transition to the sustainability program
not propped up. So you can buy a rolling roll in the market
Product Safety and Regulatory Fragestellungen einnehmen.”

The expert:innen of SCC specialized Rambolls Health Sciences Team in the
Bereichen Epidemiology, Toxicology, Ökotoxikology, Occupational Hygiene and
-sicherheit, Expositionswissenschaft und Risikobewertung. Das Team is Teil von