
Auf Anhieb die drittmeisten Stimmen

Auf Anhieb die drittmeisten Stimmen

New in the community

Ulrike Derddinger

Achebnis has had a total superiority, says Elmar Trunkenbolz (CDU). There is a candidacy for the community that can stimulate the last time.

  | Photo: Oliver Wernert

Photo: Oliver Wernert

“I was totally overwhelmed, I thought so, that I was very happy with the hinter Rängen reinrutschen könnte”, comments from the Neu-Gemeinderat Elmar Trunkenbolz die 2352 Stimmen, which was given in a Rang three, hinter dem Single Candidates Hartmut Läßle (2777) and Patrick Fertig (Freie Wählervereinigung, 2656). Worauf der 56-Jährige das zurückführt? “That’s the way to look at the Wähler questions”, the answer to the Ottenheimer is, therefore, with the signal that it is possible to do so. The Kaufmann führte de Einkaufsmarkt in Allmannsweier, an Unfalls Privatier Wurde was founded in 2019. Hinzu komme sein Job as President of the City and Fahrvereins Ottenheim anyway one owner, who in auszeichne: “These nice treasures show my authenticity.”

This error is for the New in the Communal Policy Honor and the great Vernortung Congruence. “The population has set hopes in me.” If you do not do that, it is a matter of certainty in the material. The leak of the community protocol for the transition process and the community is carried out. The long-winded in the Bürokratendeutsch fabled positions had to be übersetzt be. It is never a fact again. “Administration is for me in general Newland”, according to Elmar Trunkenbolz. In the economy it is a day earlier so that weiß there are.

If Schwerpunkt sees the Amtszeit Trunkenbolz, his stellvertretende ortsvorsteher gewählt wurde, these angestoßene projects will now be umgesetzt. This is the Neubau of the Grundschule which includes the residential living areas. Ein Anliegen sind ihm die Vereine: “Sie brauchen eenine Infrastruktur, damit sie hrenamtlich it was leisten können.” Candidates can register, we will use the back of the geschäftsleben to use the next day. Because the CDU is concerned, a community is a civic part of the enterprise. Damit Wolle is willing to adopt legal positions.

Elmar Trunkenbolz (56) lives in Ottenheim with signalman Partnerin and has two children. The Gelernte Kaufmann is moderate in the CDU. There is a Vorsitzender of the Reit- und Fahrvereins Ottenheim and Staffelleiter in TuS Ottenheim for the Zuidbadische Handbalverband.

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