
After Gottschalk-Laster-Attacke: Kaulitz-Zwillinge schlagen zurück

After Gottschalk-Laster-Attacke: Kaulitz-Zwillinge schlagen zurück

Kaulitz-Brüder vs. Thomas Gottschalk

Thomas Gottschalk (74) has a few years ago – that’s with some pointed comments about the Kaulitz-Zwillinge, Tom and Bill (next to 35). Anyway, I didn’t fall and I’m not interested in my podcast “Kaulitz Hills – Senf from Hollywood” with a decent portion of humor and a delicious wort.

Der ehemalige “Wetten, dass..?”-Moderator hatte sich erneut critical about the popularity of both musicians, the Kaulitz Brothers were no longer uncommented.

“There is a Miesmuschel”

In his active podcast episode, Bill and Tom Kaulitz made a merry Schlagzeile, in the Gottschalk that brought the faith of the Brüder to Ausdruck. Bill did not like the Aussage: “I’m so good at it, it makes me happy.” Tom laughed as he said, “There is an insgeamt über all and jeden. Under ist einfach eine Miesmuschel.”

In your own podcast “The Supernases” Thomas Gottschalk and Mike Krüger (72) are curious about the occasion, about the work moral of the young generation about criticism. Watch the Netflix documentary “Kaulitz & Kaulitz” by Tokio-Hotel-Stars in Visier.

Kritik an Kaulitz-Brüdern: “Fehlende Arbeitsmoral”

Krüger commented ironically that the Brother was describing a fun monatige Tournee, während is a Gottschalk in his active Zeit 120 Konzerte am Stück spielten. Gottschalk then set a sign and explained: “Among the younger generation, Bill Kaulitz was popular as Jimi Hendrix, he was bitter about a Tatsache.”

Hopefully, the Kaulitz Brothers can comment on humor. Während Gottschalk and Krüger the Kaulitz-Brüder for their “fehlende motivation” by the Schippe nahmen, responded Bill and Tom gelassen.