
Champions League: Now the Coronation event: Stuttgarter Stolz after the Spectacle

Champions League: Now the Coronation event: Stuttgarter Stolz after the Spectacle

Finally, the fans of VfB Stuttgart are busy with the legendary Vereinshymne “Hala Madrid”. I think the German champion has achieved the big victory on the Champions League title Real Madrid gar nicht gefft. The Festtagsstimmung is such that the great game of the young generation is not lost – trotz des 1:3 (0:0) to Auftakt der Königsklasse.

Der Auftritt and the offensive battle with the chance that the Swabians will go over the next Kracher: Am Sonntag (5.30 PM/DAZN) kommt Borussia Dortmund nach Stuttgart. «Wir wollen wieder so auftreten. We have said that we have the best manhood in the world, that we are the best at living. Before Kulisse became positive about the Sache Range, Stürmer told Ermedin Demirovic, who was the Bank’s nur in Madrid, to get started.

Bis zu 15,000 Stuttgarter in Madrid

With a Sieg-hätte Sturmpartner Deniz you can find a perfect week crowns. After the premier goal for the German National Team and the most experienced Saisontor in the Bundesliga had gone to the Estadio Santiago Bernabéu.

The greatest war in the High War in the Arena Catacombs never began. “I’m sad, we fell here, fell more drin war,” said the 28-year-old with a white face sucked in Kapuze. «Wir hätten gewinnen sparrows and also sollen.»

Immediately after the grand finale of the biggest Stuttgart game of the past 15 years, a great reception took place in the Swabian camp – at least on the pitch. Around 4,000 VfB fans were active in the rankings and around 15,000 people were on the move in the city. There are a few things you can do when you buy real tickets, one of the most important tickets you can buy.

For most of the time I’ve had, I was at the helm and the Freude over the spine of the largest amount of European soccer balls. «Ich glaube, unsere Fans waren zum Teil mehr zu hören. That’s a bad thing, said Sports Director Fabian Wohlgemuth – with a click on the baked fan march before the start of the game.

“So you know us”

The real tat in the final phase is that the club can start in the following years: Spät zuschlagen. Ausgerechnet by the ex-Stuttgarter Antonio Rüdiger, the last Führung (83.), late in the 68. Minute das 1:0 by Superstar Kylian Mbappé (46.). In the first minute of the evening play, Endrick is no more than 3:1.

“So know this. I finally found the three punks and am going to another place, said Abwehrspieler Jeff Chabot. The Stolz über de gezeigte Leistung became sich zeitnah einstellen, meinte Wohlgemuth. «The Mannschaft has triumphed, that is what it is. Before you play with Gier, Leidenschaft and Bereitschaft in such a game, say about 45 years.

Demirovic courts at Startelf-Rückkehr

Demirovic – am lost in Wochenende noch zweifacher Torschütze against Borussia Mönchengladbach – was the score of 1:1 final. “Of course it is bitter, but it is the separation of the trainers. There were several possible separations to be made. If so, it may be that I didn’t get into any trouble, but the Neuzugang is gone.

My home game is the BVB who is a Doppelspitze with Undav and Demirovic who thinks. «Ich weiß es noch nicht. I became more involved in the training and the game and the coach who was separated, so that he got more power, like the ex-Augsburg.

A storm college holds on the Happy End one of the most important things that play in the sports world at Mythos Real Madrid. They gratefully use what happens, but still a Lächeln ins Gesicht. «From the emotions there was that a super horny feeling.»

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