
Urteile – Gentges warnt voor meer Gewalt bei Kindern und Jugendlichen – Panorama

Urteile – Gentges warnt voor meer Gewalt bei Kindern und Jugendlichen – Panorama

Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) – If you write and stehlen, erpressen and stechen zu: Kinder and Jugendliche in Baden-Württemberg were always valued and countries that would be placed on the Anklagebank. After the Ministers of Justice ended the matter of the Urteile roads, the years 14 and 17 became deutsch 26.3 Prozent over the years. Other than that, the work done with the processing and printing (plus 21.5 percent) is also worth the work done (plus 27.1 percent). It may be that you get more information about young and old, it is the statistical value of a wiederholungstäter.

The image of the waltz in the Altersgruppe is organized by the Baden-Württemberg Minister of Justice Marion Gentges. For the Anstieg power is another the Zahl young Refugees verantwoordlich. “Young men were criminally prosecuted as other women and in the group of migrants, who have young men under their care”, said the CDU minister.

Zahl der Urteile gegen Jugendliche aus dem Ausland Steigt

Baden-Württemberg was always busy with the passing of both years with no daytime activities and a fled confrontation been. Everything in the sale Year the country saw 36,319 fled people. Only in the year 2015 there were 101,141 registered fled more. “The statistics are a mirror of the society structure, with the migration everything has become a bigger story in recent years”, says Gentges.

According to the prosecution statistics, 826 youth were killed without a German pass in the past year, which is an increase of 14.2 percent. It is clear that all this happens before the roads are built and the roads are passed. The previous American administration in the Southwest has since the year 2011 a constant value of 18.5 percent of the results, which have appeared in the German language for a year, such as Gentges.

It seems that the pandemic has influenced the trend due to the promising developments in the country of statistics of the future. Vielmehr lived in the past years in Baden-Württemberg insgesamt 2,858 Jugendliche im Alter 14 und 17 verurteilt, ein Anstieg um 3,3 Prozent. Die Summe liegt aber noch unter dem Wert des Jahres 2021 (3.055 Urteile).

Be warned of violent children

Make sure that the minister in Zahlen has taken the first step in statistics. If we are young as 14 and sometimes not punishable, we will not be punished in Germany. The Justiz has no chance, on children’s cases, the Straftaten begin. “If you want to start the Straftaten, then the largest part of the trade, that has been proven, before the Justiz can get an intervention,” said the CDU minister.

Some people say that there is nothing to worry about, whether they are concerned about the consequences or the consequences of their children. Now a consequence can be drawn up for my punishment and the question can be answered, since the punishments can be responded to.

After the police crime statistics were reported in 2019, 7,642 children in Baden-Württemberg were reported. This Zahl has been constantly busy for a year with a high score in the year of 10,610 children to suspect. One of the best people in the Altersgruppe is the owner of the business. Zwischen 2019 en dem Vergangen Jahr sei die Zahl in diesem Bereich um 63.4 Prozent oder von 604 of 987 Tatverdächtige gestiegen. They were sent from or to the other side of the world, such as Gentges. If the Zahlen are “sounding the alarm bells,” you must do so.

SPD will land Ausbau von “Häusern des Jugendrechts”.

Aus Sicht der SPD braucht es views des Trends sogenannte Häuser des Jugendrechts in all 17 Landgerichtsbezirken in Baden-Württemberg. So if the young person is entitled to a critical Laufbahn, he would like to help the SPD legal expert Boris Weirauch.

In Baden-Württemberg, the war for 25 years of the Bundesweit became the first Haus des Jugendrechts eingerichtet. After the premiere in Stuttgart-Bad we were also in Pforzheim (2012), Mannheim (2015), Heilbronn (2017), Ulm (2020), Offenburg (2020), Karlsruhe (2021), Waldshut-Tiengen (2022) and Villingen- Schwenningen (2022) “Häuser des Jugendrechts” in Betrieb genommen. Konstanz soll noch in diesem Years follow, kommendes Jahr gehen dann after Angaben des Justizministeriums nach derzeitiger Planung Häuser in Stuttgart-Mitte, Heidelberg, Lahr and Ravensburg anyway a Year später in Kehl an den Start.

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