
Who Tijen Onarans DHDL-Auftreten for fell Aufregung sortst

Who Tijen Onarans DHDL-Auftreten for fell Aufregung sortst

I am very proud of the children’s glasses startup Manti Manti in the Green Show “Die Höhle der Löwen”. A deal was never closed, except with Zoff and Diskussionen.

Who Tijen Onarans DHDL-Auftreten for fell Aufregung sortst

Investor in Tijen Onaran at “Die Höhle der Löwen” is one of the pitches of startups Manti Manti.
RTL / Bernd-Michael Maurer

The start of the startups Manti Manti has organized a meeting in the show “Die Höhle der Löwen” for discussions among the investors. Why? Manti Manti provides glasses for children, which look great, are robust – and with 238 euros including glasses not very cheap.

For Jurorin Tijen Onaran zu teuer. If you have criticism of the two Gründerinnen Susann Hoffmann and Philippa Koenig for the price range and dafür, there is no question of a model model, that is one of the best. Eltern has the idea that it has done its social re-entry, it is not possible to buy a product.

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Investor Judith Williams thought Manti Manti would be a Premium Market. Soziale Verantwortung and Unternehmertum did not continue automatically. Onaran is different. If you have any criticism, then Hoffmann, de Medienmarke Edition F gegründet hat, and Koenig, de Amorelie met aufgebaut hat, Unterstützung in Marketing und Vertrieb brauchten. Darin sollten sie laut Onaran eigentlich genug Expertise haben. So wet, so gutsy.

But then the (Haupt)Aufreger followed: If the Gründerinnen lost the Höhle, Onaran did not pull one, that’s what “das” as arrogant empfunden hatte – was anyway mit “das” genau gemeint war. With comments from Janna Ensthalers that Hoffmann is but Onaran’s ‘Feminismus-Schwester’, this Edition is F gründet hat, entgegnete Onaran nur damit, that when Hoffmann is a Schwester in spirit, that is the theme of social responsibility with thought.

A deal has been made with Startup Manti Manti in Montagabend. The other investors have earned their money with Business Angels, who stole 28 dollars and earned the high company rating of one million euros.

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Who else is working on Female Empowerment?

Take a look at the show in order to discuss discussions on Social Media, especially on Linkedin. It may be that the social representative of Manti Manti has become an Onarans-verhalten in the show of the Gründerinnen. Schließlich beruht Onaran’s own Personal Branding on Female Empowerment.

Another Fränzi Kühne meinte auf Linkedin Onaran has “herablazingly wiped away” the Gründerinnen. Sie appellierte in ihrem Post an Zusammenhalt unter Frauen – daran, Banden zu bilden. There is no ‘position of power on a treten’ when Gründerinnen present their ideas, on the farm or on the market.

The Beitrag von Kühne found in the comments some of the “erschrocken” gewesen about the art and the well-being of Onaran. Under the Beitrag you will find more criticism. There are many reactions that indicate that Bashing is no longer found in the ears, it is the Aussage of Kühnes Post that is more widely distributed. Other marks are that Onaran in the show with his point of criticism is aimed at social responsibility, it is a punk that has become worthwhile in its dispatch. Another rufen in the Erinnerung is that it is at “Die Höhle der Löwen” a show trade, which is inhaled and turned off as together cut.

There is a nice picture of the involvement of Matthias Meifert of Gründer and Consultant. There is a criticism of Onaran on Linkedin for his research on the Gründerinnen Hoffmann and Koenig, nor a Schritt weiter and notes one, that Onaran himself also has Sachen von highly prized Marken-tragedies. There is an argument that Williams has brought into the fight.

Here you can find an image in the comments: constructive feedback is not authentic, but also: Is there a solution for messages that are not yet so good by Meifert?

Ex-Gründerin Nora Vanessa Wohlert sent her message on Linkedin. Wohlert started with Susann Hoffmann Edition F. Sie schrieb: „Es geht nicht darum, dass wir Gründer*innen und Produkte nicht critical hinterfragen dürfen. It’s a matter of sogar. Aber bitte auf Augenhöhe. Before a woman feels for my deception, she is “arrogant” as a vocalist.“ Onaran’s stories are empfinde as “unfeminist”. Read more in Wohlert’s Post: “Für all our wishes are my whole life: You will be able to enjoy your own circle on the next page, and we will never be alone in the room.”

In the comments on the discussions, which both play a role in others: Criticism informed and with respect, was then the need for Female Empowerment. Considered how the criticism on social media was answered, the diskette was solved.

The end of the debate, most on Linkedin, was Wohlert in the post broadcast. A Zusammenschluss of bands or circles, which position – for a page, which other or other dazwischen. A Gabi Herzog comment of a post by Wohlert: “Those male people are perhaps extremely situated and arrogant people and starting entrepreneurs, is there no loyalty anymore – is it a good idea to read a post?”

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