
Vertex has won the 2024 Oracle Partner Awards in the “Best in Class” and “North American Innovation” categories

Vertex has won the 2024 Oracle Partner Awards in the “Best in Class” and “North American Innovation” categories

^KING OF PRUSSIA, Pennsylvania, September 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Vertex, Inc.


us/?utm_source=press_release&utm_medium=web_wire&utm_campaign=2021Press_Releases) (NASDAQ:VERX)

(?Vertex” or ?Unternehmen”), a global Anbieter von

Steering technology solutions come from Oracle CloudWorld as winner of

?Oracle Partner Awards 2024″ in the categories ?Best in Class” and ?North

American Innovation” will be ausgezeichnet. Diese Auszeichnungen ehren Partner,

the wandering problems are solved with Oracle’s knowledge in this case

Business objectives and requirements with innovative solutions from Partners

experiences could be made. Partner, who comes for this Lösung infrage, has Lösungen

In addition, most of Oracle’s technologies and products are integrated

and/or an external technology partner of Oracle in its lost ownership

to have.

?We would like to share our thoughts with you during the year oracle

Partner Awards,” said Bradd Wildstein, Vice President, Indirect Sales at Vertex,

Inc. This analysis is the best way to work with Oracle

in the global end-to-end solutions for the delivery of

Steuervorschriften, die zur Optimierung von Abläufen, Risikominderung en

Steigerung der Geschäftsergebnisse beitragen. We will become newer

Maßstäbe im Bereich der Steuertechnologie setzen und de Erwartungen unserer

Gemeinsamen Kunden übertreffen.”

Since 27 years, Vertex has been an innovative Partner of Oracle

Steuerlösungen und de inhaltung der Steuergesetze voor een community

global knowledge of Grund on new shapes. These can work hard

of millions of transactions based on cloud-based ERP solutions

Vertex is built on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) host set. Through the

Einsatz more intelligent automation through the Zusammenarbeit zwischen Vertex

and Oracle for the original translation of a gewährleistet

Flexibility, flexibility and faster performance.

Vertex comes amid a long history of innovation for Oracle’s knowledge base

zurück en wurde als Oracle Build Partner und erster Anbieter von

Steering technology can also use the Oracle Cloud Status ‘Powered By’

also “Integrated with” erreicht hat.

More about the partnerships between Vertex and Oracle and the North American

Innovation Award for more information, read more about the Blog


customers-through-innovation-vertex-wins-partner-award). Learn more

at the Oracle 2024 Partner Awards you will find:

About Vertex

Vertex is a prosperous software and software developer

indirect support. The companies have been given the power to die

the most efficient technical solutions, with global innovations

with Zuversicht Transaktionen durchführen, Vorschriften inhalten and wait

Vertex offers branching-specific solutions for the toughest ranges

of the individual best, one-size-fits-all care, best practices,

Mehrwertsteuer and Lohnsteuer. Mit Hauptsitz in North America und Niederlassungen

in South America and Europe, Vertex has more than 1,400 Fachleute and serves

Unternehmen auf der gezen Welt.

For more information, visit

( or follow our Twitter account

( and LinkedIn


Copyright © 2024 Vertex, Inc. All rights reserved. Those enthaltenen here

Information must be provided at a later date

you can set a good right or left steering function. Die

Produktausrichtung en potenzielle Roadmap-Informationen provide no guarantee

dar, it doesn’t take long for a product to be added and it doesn’t start anymore

Verpflichtung zur Lieferung von Hardware, Code or Funktionen. Diese

Information about not as Grundlage für Kauf-, Rechts-oder

Steuerentscheidungen were used. Die Entwicklung, Freigabe und zeitliche

Plan the description of brands or features of Vertex product

lie in alleinigen Ermessen von Vertex, Inc. Alle Aussagen in dieser

Mitteilung, die nicht auf historical Tatsachen beruhen, sind

focused on the sin of the US Private Securities Litigation

Reform Act of 1995. All statutory provisions are subject to change

Risks and uncertainty, which are at the top of US Securities and

Exchange Commission (?SEC”) eingereichten Unterlagen beschrieben sind und die

that they could function, that is the meaning of the experience

Remove warnings. Vertex warns that something needs to be done, when it is not necessary

Weise auf diese zkunftsgerichteten Aussagen zu verlassen, zu derren

Updating Vertex is not mandatory.

About Oracle PartnerNetwork

Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) is a partner program of Oracle, the partner

if you want, Cloud’s mountain corridor is clean and better

Geschäftsergebnisse für ihre Kunden zu erzielen. The OPN program is clear

Partner of the Oracle über Tools collaboration, which works this way

Market analysis is based on: Cloud Build for partners, the products

or services that are performed in Oracle Cloud or in Oracle

Cloud Integrated Sin; Cloud Sell for Partners, the Oracle Cloud Technology

sell more; Cloud Service for partners, the Oracle Cloud Services

implement, prepare and manage; Healthcare Industry for Partner,

the commercially available products and/or services that are available on

Oracle Cloud and Oracle Health Technologies developed; sowie license and hardware

for partners offering Oracle software or hardware products,

Want to sell or buy. You can contact your partner at OPN-partners

advance, the expertise in a product family or a cloud service

erworben haben. More information can be found at:

To notice

Oracle, Java, MySQL and NetSuite are associated with Oracle Markers

Company. NetSuite is the first Cloud entrepreneur to be the new

Cloud computing added.

Answer partner:

Rachel Litthof

Vertex, Inc.

[email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
