
Künstliche Intelligenz: Neuer Test can recognize revisionism in just a few minutes

Künstliche Intelligenz: Neuer Test can recognize revisionism in just a few minutes


Artistic intelligenceNeuer Test can recognize Herzinfarkte in just a few minutes

In a heart attack, every second counts. If you want to identify yourself, you have to do it. A new quick love that is very important in eight minutes.

Compensation Anabelle Riebeling

Compensation Anabelle Riebeling

Chest pains are a normal symptom, but the end is reached when the pains in the chest are not. If you want to do other things, such as reflux or relaxation. It is important that the Troponin values ​​in blood, the medicines and medicine world set. Troponin is in a protein complex, which now works in the muscle mass and in the hardening of the muscle cells in the right color.

However, the evaluation of such troponin tests in the laboratory takes up to 60 minutes. That is sensible. When you make the diagnosis, a problem is solved and the diagnosis can be given to patients and patients. And: The faster an infarction can be concluded, the faster became in the note-taking Capacities for other patients and patients free. Künftig can follow the best quality or the conclusion a heart attack faster, which no longer progresses.

The team, which has undergone the training of the cardio-care training in Davos, can take the feststellung, with a heart attack that has not yet done any new test on the inside of eight minutes. If you act with a Troponin-Schnelltest, a personalization of the AI ​​algorithm is performed. For this study, the current data of more than 2,500 patients and patients in the US and Australia have appeared. These were in Schnitt 58 Jahre alt. This test is the standard-specified “so much superior”, heißt es in one of the Mitteilung.

“It is unprecedented that the algorithm of the algorithm can double more patients and patients (approximately 35 percent), a re-referral can be performed with the recognizable Leitlinie diagnostics (round 14 to 15 percent) and it is possible to achieve a higher safety of 100 percent,” says Assistant Professor Betül Toprak of the Clinic and Outpatient Clinic for Cardiology at the University Heart and Joint Center of the UKE in Hamburg.

A single blood test in combination with the new algorithm can “take that time in the note at more as a patient is examined by a patient, the symptoms will be eingelated, while a heart attack remains”, the focus is on the Forschenden. The minutes of Krankenhäusern are not charged. If you treat patients and patients, it is so that the thought of a heart attack is not the best, but no longer in station countries, which takes care of a good heart attack patient. It is possible that outpatient outpatient care is continued and treated. The study takes place in the fachjournal Lancet Digital Health published.

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