
With the Zehner Tandem on Achse

With the Zehner Tandem on Achse

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With the Zehner Tandem on Achse
Zehn Manner auf a Tandem – the Bellersheimer with the bangles, with 750 Kilo loads of weight since he was in Bad Nauheim and Hingucker. © Nicole Merz

Am Freitag hat man in Bad Nauheim could live a Zehner-Tandem. The WM Club from Hungen-Bellersheim is with the idea of ​​a different company, a ganz that goes beyond the traditional hat.

Zehn manner and spent a long time in the Freitag in Bad Nauheim and a way to get to the Strecke zahlreiche Menschen zum Staunen. The WM-Club Bellersheim war on the Zehner-Tandem on the Tour. The Strecke-zwischen of Hungener Stadtil and Bad Nauheim is heavy in itself with the Fahrrad locker zwältigen, zumal die currenten en ehemaligen Bellersheimer allesamt früher beim TSV Fußball played haben and sich jetzt with wöchentlichen Mountainbike-Touren fit halten. But dieses etwa 750 Kilo schwere Tandem – plus Weight der Fahrer – muss first brought to Schwung and contents were. Zusammenggeschweißte Eisenstangen, kein Vergleich zum Carbon-Rahmen des Mountainbikes.

25 Kilometers on Tag Configuration

»If you want to imagine, if a slight ascent is, it was more time«, said Burkhard Riedel, one of the »Mitstrampler«. Nothing ever happened to the Gründern des Clubs, who had the tandem idea for 50 years. If Hilfe are a few children and a few schlossers, these dams are outside the door. The Truppe had a great time during the 1974 World Cup Final in Munich. Damals have the Bellersheimer card for the Endspiel, the DFB-Elf can reach the Netherlands. It is a tradition that the Tandem-Fahrer undertakes a world and European mastery. On the Champs-Élysées in Paris, the knallroten Hingucker is presented. And in those years that the Heim-EM is busy with the Pedalix, with the tandem heißt, with a Tieflader in the transport of Ingolstadt. If you go in four days-Etappen to Munich, where the Ausflügler-mangels Tickets of a Spiel-Besuch absolutely do not need.

25 kilometers on the Tag Seien, says Riedel. The Tandem is a Getriebe of a Fiat-Car, four groups plus Rückwärtsgang. Who bitten? »Wir müssen rückwärts fahren, wenn wir mal irgendwo einparken«, erklärt der Bellersheimer. More Fahrzeug-Fakten gefällig? It is possible that you will be sitting near your place and get nice hints. Vorne is learned, hints are given. In the Pedals, all steps are needed. “If you don’t want to do anything with tritt, you can just enjoy it and enjoy it,” says Riedel. Gebremst would hint all the time. And because the Tandem is so long and heavy, it is four wheels.

Geselligkeit is not a problem

As soon as the tandem battles had so many words and the men could stop, a thing would be lost: “If we were to have a second life, we would always have a great strength,” said Riedel. So I spent time between Bellersheim and the Kurstadt: In Münzenberg we had a pizza., in Bad Nauheim we had a meal at the Weinfest in the Goldsteinpark.

Before the men of the WM-Club waged war in Bad Nauheim, the years went by. If the family from the vicinity of a certain time in the Pedalen-treten or other organizations, there is one of the Riege who is eight months in South Tyrol busy, a place on an Alm to work.

However, the men from Bellersheim were first able to do their Waden training, Kurstadt-Luft-schnuppern and Weinfest-Geselligkeit-genies.