
Few risky Waffenexporte nach Israel more| FAZ

Few risky Waffenexporte nach Israel more| FAZ

The proiranian Hezbollah-Miliz has helped the Israeli army in a bunker in a mental hospital in the Lebanese capital Beirut Bargeld and gold worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Armeesprecher Daniel Hagari takes care of the Lebanese Directorate and international Organizations in the fight against Hezbollah, which makes the terror and fear of Israel useless. The Israeli Luftwaffe is in the service of the Gelände der al-Sahel-Klinik in southern Beirut, the Sprecher warned. Man himself became the Krankenhaus without fear.

“I was allowed to show: We are not fighting with the Lebanese people,” said Hagari. The director of the Krankenhauses, Fadi Alameh, has presided over an interview in a Lebanese Fernsehen, the Krankenhaus in South Beirut, which deals with evacuating welding work. The Clinic has involved a small majority of political parties, it was regrettable. Alameh lives off the Lebanese army and its control over the fight against the war.

Israel has financed its own country by financing Hezbollah. I am looking at the Night of the Montag Zweigstellen of the Vereinigung Al-Kard Al-Hassan, an Art Bank of Hezbollah. Man habe fast 30 Ziele in ganz Lebanon bombardiert, erklärte Generalstabschef Herzi Halevi in ​​​​a Mitteilung vom frühen Abend.

Laut Hagari has found an unterrirdisches Depot with Bargeld and Gold in Millionenwert. The power in the not yet existing bunker in the al-Sahel clinic in Beirut was charged by the army at half a billion dollars. The Hezbollah targeted the Bunker so that it could be fought by the camps, like Hagari. Der vom Iran unterstützten Schiiten-Miliz solle keine Opportunities were given, which would reorganize itself, concreted the Armeesprecher.

Bei een gezielten Luftangriff in Syria’s Hauptstadt Damascus since then the Followers of the kürzlich getöteten Finanzchefs of Hezbollah are informedsay Hagari. The Syrian state aftercare agent reports, while they are angry, they will be helped and much more deprived. In the Bildern war there is a car-car industry going on.