
Wem the Grundstück – and would we make a profit with Verkauf?

Wem the Grundstück – and would we make a profit with Verkauf?

Analyze the investigation into the Krankenhauses in Varel. It is not clear about the hospital. Was it true that the clinic would disappear? Wem gehort das Klinik-groundpiece? Became profitable by selling?

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Varel – Who wants to continue with the Krankenhaus in Varel? How can the Klinik still be a future? A fragment, the research of Gutachtern, was analyzed. After the young Kreistagsbeschluss stehen alle Verhörtlichen a possible Zusammenarbeit of the Klinikum Wilhelmshaven gGmbH and der Friesland Kliniken gGmbH have become positive. The question remains, in the constellation and at an more or at only one location. It is all a matter of time, but it is not that the voices of the future are more. It is possible that the medical service in the Krankenhaus in Varel in the past months quasi on Frauenklinik and an outpatient Operations Center will be reduced, even the Notaufnahme gibt is nur nog abgespeckt.

Basic piece in Varel

Before everyone comes to the education of the NWZ, the fragment of the area is heard, in the hospital steht – and of the rural district as a delay of the Frisian clinic after a possible clinic closure during a ground-piece sale financially profitable value. On the next page the press of the districts is shown: “The ground, on which the St.-Johannes-Hospital stands, is located in the property of the St.-Johannes-Stift Foundation. Zwischen dieser und dem Landkreis Fryslân als Träger des St.-Johannes Hospitals besteht een nutzungsüberlassungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsungsigtstrags, the economic aspects of the Friesland Kliniken überträgt.

Similar rules

We have made the following clear: “The foundation has its own properties and now that they are selling the land plots, most attention is paid to the sale. A company has received a statement that the foundation has proven the legality of the expenditure and has now made an immunization of the Beteiligten possible or after the end of the sales period (30 years). The district of Fryslân is looking at the Frisian clinics that do not sell the land plots.”

Sold in January 2016

Those who report hate the Stiftung St.-Johannes-Stift das Krankenhaus, also the St.-Johannes-Hospital gGmbH, with Wirkung vom 1. January 2016 and the Landkreis Fryslân sold for 6.9 million euros. It is a timeless period that the Krankenhaus found the Wohn- and Pflegezentrum St.-Marien-Stift in the Kommunaler Trägerschaft. Stiftungszweck des Stiftung St.-Johannes-Stifts is currently available for the Funding and Support of Caritas-Sozialstation Varel Wilhelmshaven gGmbH.

Who else is involved with the St. Johannes Hospital in Varel?

The Frisian District voted in favor of a possible nursing care for the clinics in Fryslân and Wilhelmshaven.

Health Minister Dr. Andreas Philippi (l.) and the Frisian Landrat Sven Ambrosy have planted a Krankenhausfusion aus in Donnerstag.

Anouschka Kramer