
Schaumzucker-Fruchtgummi-Kronen – Osthessen|News

Schaumzucker-Fruchtgummi-Kronen – Osthessen|News

“Fulda is so delicious!”

06.09.24 – Viewers of the newly built castles have been treated with a beautiful landscape: see the new ones with their names and a look with the emblem of the new city images ariante as Dreingabe. Wer für den süßen Einfall verantwortlich zeichnet, kann de Tourismus-Chef Dominik Höhl gar nicht more genau sagen. It is a matter of a combined work of art.

Oh, how delicious! Photos: Erik Spiegel

Dominik Höhl said, whoever says the Fruchtgummis: he will be a Lächeln …

The new Zugabe zur Schlossturmbesichtigung

The List of Zutaten der Süßigkeit, the Auftrag der Tourismus-Information Fulda regestellt wird, is an umpangreich which consists of: Birnen- and Apple puree, Himbeer- and Kirschsaft, hydrolisiertes Erbsenprotein, Aloe vera and Biotin as drink and sogar Karottenkonzentrat. “Natural vegan”, the best of the tourist chef and the packaging is organically produced and very friendly. The Abnehmer sees all the begeistert and nehmen the Zugabe zur Schlossbesichtigung is no longer possible. “You can see a smile in your face”, says Höhl gegenüber OSTHESSEN|NEWS and message, that an email has been placed with unfried citizens and all art of complaints is a good welcome.

Our only representative environment at the Freitagnachmittag im Schlosshof, we are happy to welcome you to our guests, and you will be able to see the Einschätzung des Stadt-Marketings: “Wirklich lecker, wo gibt’s denn mehr davon?”, will erase a Steppke, der gerade auf dem Pferd des Spätlesereiters Platz genomen-hat. The Tütchen ebenfalls is at best an option for the Tourist Group, which comes to view the historic Räume des Stadtschlosses and der Rezeption. “Schmeckt and is still fruity,” lobs one of the Test-Essers. Nur mit der Aufschrift “That’s how delicious Fulda is”, cannot be noticed. The heated debate about the new Haupt des Schlossturms, which started in the Barockstadt, has been heard in the hotel. “That’s not the case, but it’s wonderful. For all that, let’s just say that Gerüst is gone,” says one reviewer. This Bestechung works openly! (ci)+++