
Ausgebucht thanks to Wiesn: Hotels benefit from Oktoberfest

Ausgebucht thanks to Wiesn: Hotels benefit from Oktoberfest

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Ausgebucht thanks to Wiesn: Hotels benefit from Oktoberfest
Of the many million-dollar companies that ended up in quarantine in the Tölzer Land, a number of businesses were conducted there. © Peter Kneffel

The Oktoberfest 2024 in Munich concerns hotels in the Auswirkungen region. Some hoteliers profit from the Wiesn, not for a long time.

Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen – „O’zapft is’“, heißt es wieder on September 21. Then the Münchner Oktoberfest started with more than millions of guests from all over the world. Auch in einigen Hotels unterkünften im Landkreis herrscht während dieser Zeit Hochbetrieb.

Oktoberfest 2024: In Lenggries quartieren sich Wiesn-Stammgäste ein

It is a good idea to celebrate Oktoberfest at the Alpengasthof Lenggrieser Hof. It’s so bad that all Zimmer for the upcoming Festwochen has started. “The people of my family since their stay,” said Inhaber Andreas Feuerer. „Viele buchen gleich fürs nächste Jahr.“ Sowohl in Deutschland as in dem europäischen Ausland, all for Denmark, travel with our guests. The taste of the meal in Munich is so great that the festivities are not there.

Also in Bad Heilbrunn one mentions zur Wiesn-Zeit a Stigt der Buchungen, who the guest information on request submits. At large hotels it is so that there is no more free room, but a single holiday home is for that time nor a book available. Because the Urlauber-wegen der Wiesn das Oberland are so or else are vacation vacations, a man in the guest information nothing can say.

Wiesn played “untergeordnete Rolle” for Tourismus in Bad Tölz

In Bad Tölz, the Oktoberfest played an important part in the tourism industry, with the help of Kur and Tourism Director Brita Hohenreiter. If the stakes in Munich are greatly anticipated in the 10 to 20 year period, there are still new visitors in the Landeshauptstadt below. “Tölzer Gäste hen den Ausflug zum Oktoberfest eher als von kostenlosen Ausflugsmöglichkeiten”, so Hohenreiter.

It looks like you are at Tölzer Hotel Bergeblick. Go to the night when Oktoberfest is a great success. “That’s a great experience,” said hotelier Johannes Tien. After all, many years have passed since the experiences of our guests were dürftig gewesen. Nur joins every hotel guest for a Tag after Munich on the Theresienwiese gefahren. It is all related to the design of the hotels, which is a different Soul Group than the classic Wiesn-Gänger focuses. “Wir bieten mehr as nur ein Bett”, erklärt Tien and verweist auf the umpangreiche Angebot weed in Spa-Bereich.

Moreover, the weather has an influence on the reading material of the daily newspaper

Keinen großen Wiesn-Ansturm notice man auch bei der Tourist-Information Lenggries. “Besides our power, there is little in the way of the books, even if the structure is not noticeable, the spontaneous reactions will occur,” reports Leiterin Maria Bader. The fact is that you have an Oktoberfest occupation, a sensible man in the Rule niece. “The few guests we have with us, we will be happy to welcome you,” says Bader. Zudem buchten velde Urlauber ohnehin direkt beim Gastgeber. A large part of the Urlauber comes from Bader in Germany, the Australian Wiesn-Gäste report is now selten nach Lenggries. “I made a first attempt in Munich and made a mess of the accounting,” said the TI chief.

In the Benediktbeuern the beginning of the Oktoberfest-Zeit has started bare. For the first party at the end of September it is a big part of the negotiation, so Sabine Rauscher. Für Woche zwei “findet ich noch eher etwas”, verrät die TI-Leiterin.

Because the entire Oktoberfest period lasts so long, it couldn’t be more different. Schließlich sei der Herbst een credible Wanderzeit. And the Witterung can complete the budget again until the end of September. “If the water passes, it can be passionate, so the books can be opened,” says Rauscher. (Franziska Selter)